Looking for Flemish Breeders =D

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2004
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Camelot, Connecticut, USA
Well... Shawn and I are beginning to look for ourown place... mind you things are a little rocky because I want to buyhe wants to rent and we really cant afford to do either =p

But we did agree on one thing... when we get our own place, Shawn saysI can get a Flemish! As long as the bun is a girl ::Laughs::

Probably have at LEAST 2 months before this happens tho.

Things are just getting strange in our current locale.::sighs:: apparently our housemates dont like me at all. Ifeel imprisoned in the basement, I feel like I am trespassing when I goupstairs to use the bathroom!
i am in the same situation house buyingwise and i would say buy rather than rent if you rent you arejust throwing money away if you buy it is a least goingtowards the house
I'm sorry things have been so difficultfor you. I was in a similar situation once and it was very stressful.You can go to the National Federation of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders.I went to the breeders page and wrote to the breeders around me andfound out if any were going to shows near me. The site also has showdates and locations. That's how we got Apollo.


Good Luck and try to take it one day at a time.

I would definitely rather buy then rent, but wedont have much in the savings for a downpayment, not to mention I stillhave some student loans to pay off ::sighs::

But at least I can get a Flemmy!
I'm curious why you want a girl. Thebreeder I bought Tiny from stressed to me that a male would be easierto get along with (does are more territorial) and several otherspointed that out to me before I got him.

Now that he's been here two weeks - I love him to pieces. Heis great with our 3 cats, 1 dog and 2 other bunnies (Netherland Dwarfs)that we got the same day as Tiny.

Anyway, I was just curious why you wanted a girl since I've heard they can be more tempermental.


Mommy to Tiny, Tio & Kyo
hehe, its my husband who is demanding agirl. Our female bun is the sweetest bun in the world, butour male bun is a territorial little jerk =p

I tried to explain to my hubby that sex doesnt make the rabbit'spersonality, but since he is so adamant, I am just going to humor him.

We are going apartment hunting tomorrow ;)

I need out of this place! Just wish we could afford to buy rather then rent
bunsforlife wrote:
But at least I can get a Flemmy!

Ican't believe it! You're in the market for a Flemish?!?!

Tina's done a lot of research on Flemish. 9 months before she even got Apollo and Athena (R.I.P.)

She'll be coming to the Boathouse Party and in her search, she found 4Flemish breeders within an hour or so of Tucker Town. Whadayasay? Road trip?? I'll go with you.

That would be AWESOME Caro =)

Which reminds me... I have to put those days in for time off!

There is a Flemmish breeder in Meriden CT which I am getting in contactwith to ask some serious questions, I am not planning on just buying abunny ona whim! Of course, we have to find anapartment and move first, but getting a head start on finding aFlemmy.

Wednesday Shawn and myself are going to look at some Apartments weearmarked. I want out of here before May rent is due =p
Hope you can make the timeframe and find a place by May.

Tina's picking up 3 Flemish babies when she heads north to the party,so they'll be at the party waiting to win you and Shawn up. :)

Well we found an apartment. Hopefullyour credit checks go through alright =p didnt know you had to do thatto get an apartment ::chuckles:: New to this scene.

Unfortunatly the larger unit doesnt open up until June so we are stuckhere until then, but I think I can suck it up. Just lockmyself away in this basement =p

So maybe I should talk to some breeders to see about getting a Flemmy intime for the Boathouse bunnies =D

I cant wait to move out, It would be sooooo nice to have our own place...
Good luck on the new place. My Shawnand I are house hunting too. We are also planning on gettinga flemish when we move. I think I want a boythough....hmmm...we'll see. I'm going to start the huntsoon. I wonder where Tina is getting hers?

I wish I could go to the Boathouse Bunnies Party, but I have just toomany vacations planned this summer (we're off to Hawaii to visit hisbest friend and his wife and new baby in 3 weeks and then to LA to seemy best friend and then to Pasadena to see my to-bestepsister. In June, we go to Vegas...Oh the joys of dating apilot! LOL Really, it's kind of nice to fly cheap andsometimes free -- that's why we are going to Vegas)

Here are the four breeders taken rightoff the NFFGRB Bredders Website. I personall am contacting Mr.Hoornsbeek. Only because I researched all of them and liked my fidingspertaining to him more than the others. I checked show results, grandchampion announcements and asked around about him. Everything I heardsaid he was one of the best. I am to contact him as the date getscloser. He said that he has numerous litters and will definitely havewhat I am looking for. No promises of course.

He got back to me right away. He reminds me ofApollo's breeder. Very professional and also people friendly.Sorry for the ramble.


Ray Skoglund (Ray's Rabbits)
Meriden, Connecticut
Sandy, Fawn, White, Light Gray
E-mail: [email protected]
[align=left]Phone: 203-237-7338[/align]
[align=left]New York[/align]
[align=left]Cathy Caracciolo (Sunny Oaks Rabbitry)[/align]
[align=left]St James, New York[/align]
[align=left]Blue, Black, White[/align]
[align=left]E-mail:[email protected][/align]
[align=left]Phone: 631-862-9468[/align]
[align=left]Roger Hoornbeek (Hoornbeek's Rabbit Farm)[/align]
[align=left]Accord, New York[/align]
[align=left]Sandy, Fawn, White, Light Gray, Steel Gray[/align]
[align=left]E-mail:[email protected][/align]
[align=left]Phone: 845-626-2952[/align]
[align=left]Carlo Zappia (Five Acre Rabbitry)[/align]
[align=left]Pawling, New York[/align]
Sandy, Fawn, White, Light Gray, Steel Gray
E-Mail:[email protected]
[align=left]Phone: 845-832-6277[/align]

