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Mar 19, 2013
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I was really hoping for some advice!
I've been looking for a rabbit for ages now, and have recently persuaded my parents into letting me get one. They did used to own rabbits before I was born, and my mother is quite knowledgable in basic care and everything like that.
I previously had my heart set on a Rex rabbit. I met one at a show not too long ago and he was the most gorgeous thing. But after a lot of research I think perhaps a dwarf lop or sonething of the kind would suit better?
I have been in contact with a few rescue groups and breeders near me, and have seen some lovely rabbis available, but I would dearly love some first hand advice or experience?
I am currently 16, and at the moment do live wih my family. I have two younger siblings and my mother has Borzoi (Russian wolfhounds) though the dogs are penned securely in their own yard, seperate from our backyard, where any potential rabbit would live. Though the rabbit would have to be quite laid back in nature, because I'm fairly certain my sister would want to play with it occaisonally.
So would it be possible to get some help on deciding a breed? Right now I'm looking at dwarf lops, mini lops and Netherlands. Any advice for a first time owner? Anything would be so appreciated!!
the thing is, personality goes by the individual much more than the breed.

your best bet is to go through a shelter (for a couple reasons)
~ first of all, getting a rabbit spayed/neutered is *really* expensive, so you'll save probably $100-200 if you get an already spayed shelter bunny
~ secondly, shelter bunnies are typically adults - it's much easier to gauge a rabbit's true personality when they're already an adult than it is when they're babies

second best option is to go through a *good* breeder, as they'll take the time to handle, play with and socialize their baby bunnies from an early age, making it more likely that you'll get a friendly and tolerant one. my bunnies came from a breeder... Nala's full of attitude and neither likes to be held, but they'll tolerate it and they love nose-rubs. they're really a couple of sweeties!
I agree with Jennifer to go by individual rabbit rather than breed. Rabbits are all so unique and can range from not wanting human touch at all---all the way to begging for pets and snuggles :) And you can find those characteristics in all breeds.

If you visit a rescue you will be able to see the rabbits personality already. Baby bunnies are cute, but you really won't know what they will be like as they grow.

Also, rabbits do well as indoor pets so I wasnt sure if that was an option for you. They bond closer to their family and rescues often won't adopt to you if you are going to keep them outdoors. Not sure where you live but heat and predators are very dangerous to rabbits. So maybe keeping the bunny indoors could be an option?

Lastly, the only generalization on breeds I feel comfortable giving is that Nrtherland Dwarfs do tend to be skittish and jumpy. Not every single one, of course, but alot are and I've never met one that isnt. They are adorable though!
You mention seeing a Rex at a show...do you have any plans of showing the rabbit or will it just be a pet? I agree that going to a shelter or rescue is your best option for a pet rabbit. If you're thinking about showing then a breeder would be your best bet. I don't have personal experience with lops, other than what I hear other Lop breeders say, but I've seen and heard enough about NDs to know that they are not generally laid back.

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