my tips?
steam all your veggies, and make sure you are eating a larger portion of veggies to everything else.
try to cut out as much of the processed stuff as possible. all the bleached flour and sugar really isn't healthy.
the artificial sweetners really aren't that grand for you either (in my opinion).
the biggest mistake i see working as a nutrition assistant is people that try to eatlow fateating 'fat free' or 'low fat' foods are that they don't check the sodium or sugar content in them. in order to take out all the fat and still make it taste good they normally have to add extra sodium and sugar for flavor.
so basically low fat/fat free isn't always the better choice.
you want to go for the naturally low fat foods.
my other trick is that portion controll is HUGE for healthy eating. . . here is a really cool trick:
at target they sell plates that have the portions sectioned off like this one
(they normally have cheaper ones like this too, this was just the first one i came across)
but anyway to train yourself on protion control go buy a couple of these. you want your startch and protien to be in each of the small spaces and your veggies to take up the larger space.
you just wouldn't believe how big a deal portion size is. most people think that they are eating the right amount of stuff but are really overeating/undereating every meal.
also, start to use olive oil in place of butter. and a small drizzel of oil and vinegar on salads in place of dressings.
whenever you start to feel hungry out of meal time go and drink a big glass of water. our minds often confuse "hungry" with "thirsty". drink the water, wait 15 minutes and if still hungry then go get a snack.
okay, that is it for now. i know that i need to start to eat healthy again, i have gotten off track with all the holiday stuff going on