Lookie what I got today....

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA


His name is Shadow. He's seven weeks old. He's notmine though. I REALLY did get him for a friend thistime. I'm keeping him two days for her.


Look at the punkin!! What a wee little thing! Give him hugs and kisses from me!

Thanks, everyone. He is a realdoll. He did his first binky this morning. It wasthe cutest thing I've ever seen. He's tiny. He'sonly seven weeks old and the pet store made it sound as if he'd beenthere for a long time. Poor baby!

He is going to live right across the street with my good friend, soI'll see him all the time. It's the next best thing to beinghis mommy.


Shadow is soo adroable. Soo tiny and ADORALBLE!


- Can u give him a big hug for me? Or maybe a squeeze? Please?

BunnyMom wrote:
I would have a tough time giving him up.
Itwill definitelybe hard to hand himover. My friend promised to bring him over whenever shevisits, which is at least a couple times a week. I'll see hima lot. I'm secretly praying that theyare allergicto him and I'll have tokeep him!

I had to get him early because thebreederwaspicking them up yesterday to take to a showandsell. This is the only Fuzzy Lop breeder in our area and thiswas her last litter of Fuzzies. She's only doing Hollands andLion Heads now. That's probably a good thing, because if Isee any more of those cute Fuzzy babies, I may not be able to controlmyself!

His coloring is gorgeous. His undercoat is Toby's color -light gray, but he looks almost black now. I wonder if he'llget lighter as he gets older.


What a cutie!! I wouldn't be able togive him up. I would love a black bunny. We hadHolland Lop babies at work and there was the cutest blackone. I almost brought him home.

I really do have to give him up thistime. I promisedSarah's 10-year old child he washers. He is unbelievably cute, though and has the tiniestpoopies I've ever seen!



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