aaaaaaaww....I love raccoons.
Must say though, I don't like seeing them around here any more. I discovered one living in my shed in the backyard a few years ago; this was back when I first got Raph and then Scooby, and the two would stay in an outdoor hutch on warm summer nights. I quickly brought them indoors when I saw the gouges etched deep in the plywood...the raccoon had been trying to claw his way through the cage to get to the bunnies. I still do love 'coons, just...from a distance.
Reminds me too of something that happened once when I used to work at a building supply store. The manager of the store would sometimes work at the lumber desk serving customers if we were short-staffed, and he'd radio out to the yard to find out status on plywood, insulation, etc. One day when the store was particularly busy he radioed out to the yard guys to get him a count on some insulation for a customer. He waited for the yardman to get back to him, and when the guy finally did he said he couldn't tell how much was out there. Steve (the manager) was getting rather upset by this time as the customer had been waiting, and there was a long lineup of people behind him waiting to be served as well, so when Steve demanded to know why they couldn't get him a count, the yard guy mumbled something about a 'creature' that wouldn't let them near it. So Steve grabbed a hardhat and headed out there himself (ready to fire the guy if he ran into him, I'm sure).
Five minutes later Steve comes back into the store....a rather panicked look on his face, hair all dishevelled, hardhat gone...and he had to tell the customer that it wasn't possible to get a status on the insulation right then. I later found out why: Apparently when Steve climbed the ladder to the second storey of the shed, one of the biggest, baddest raccoons that ever lived came flying out of the insulation and attacked him. Steve - all 6'4" of him - literally flew back down the ladder and raced across the yard to safety. I would have paid to have seen that moment...this huge man who all the staff feared being chased away by a raccoon.
As for the raccoon on your neighbor's roof...he certainly seems to have chosen a comfy spot to sleep! He looks just like a domestic kitty taking a catnap.
I wonder if your neighbors knew he was there?