Look what I got at Walmart!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I have been looking all over for these (without resorting to internet companies):

It's an untreated grass basket that amazingly enough has no wire init. Hooray! I could not for the life of me findgrass baskets without wire, and I didn't want a bunny chipping atooth. All I had to do to make this safe was take off theleather handles.

$5 at Walmart. I'll pay that for happy bunnies. Fey and Sprite were very impressed.

Fey: Look! I can fit my butt in it!

Sprite: Mmm, edible throne.

Loki: Decently large size, relatively good heft (kicks tires)... perfect for throwing!
Mocha: Wait!!! It hasn't been properly chinned yet! I must make it mine!

And tonight, the sequel: Basket With Hay! Inthis thilling sequel to Bunnies Meet the Basket, we find outjust how much hay a two pound bunny will eat simply because it's in anew container. Fun? Yes! Healthy?Yes! Will it distract Loki from digging out hislitterbox? :dunno:
haha nice! I was there the other day getting thetoddler gate and was looking for something like that but figured theyweren't going to have one. What section was it in? Garden?
Crafts. They also have big untreatedwicker baskets, but I already have one of those. It's in thecloset at the moment because they got bored with it after severalmonths.:)

I find all sorts of cool stuff at hobby stores too. I alsopicked up more mini grapevine wreaths at Hobby Lobby today, 5 for$1. You just have to be careful to check if they're varnishedor dyed.
Great find - and I *love* the photos.

will have to go on an expedition to the local Wal-Mart tomorrow...
Oh, that is so neat. I'm gonna pickone up. Hey, what do you think about this: AtPetsmart I saw an edible log. It was made of alfafa andhoney. It's an edible hidey spot. Oh, andnaturestee, what breed is Sprite??
The treat log should be okay as long as they don't get much at a time. It's pretty rich.

Sprite and Fey supposed to be a purebred dwarf hotot, but I think theirbreeder was crossing Britannia Petites in. Probably to widenthe gene pool. Her original owner had bought themfrom a show breeder.
Walmart, at least in our area, has both largeand small untreated willow baskets. The large ones are $3.99 (I think)and the small ones are $1.88.

Are the woven corn husk baskets safe for bunnies to chew on? I saw thatwalmart also had corn husk "laundry baskets" for about $3.00. They donthave any wires or anything in them and even the handles are woven cornhusk.


Here is something else that might interest the breeders.


A small kitchen scale that goes up to 11 lbs,andshows ozs.Agoodsizeto fita Mini Lop in thebasket.
It's inthe baking pans section.Sells for $9.99

Rainbows! :)
Good find!! I'll check out getting a couple for my girls! :)

How do you check that? I've been wanting to get my babessomething along those lines, but am not confident enough with my beingable to tell if they're natural or not, so I haven't attempted buyingany. Would filing off a bit of the outside tell??

naturestee wrote:
I also picked up moremini grapevine wreaths at Hobby Lobby today, 5 for $1. Youjust have to be careful to check if they're varnished or dyed.
naturestee wrote:
Sprite and Fey supposed to be a purebred dwarf hotot, but I think theirbreeder was crossing Britannia Petites in. Probably to widenthe gene pool. Her original owner had bought themfrom a show breeder.

They appear to be a little finer in bone, but I don't think it's likelythat someone would cross them with Brits to increase the Dwarf Hototgene pool because the breeds are so different in type. UsingNetherland Dwarfs is generally preferred, although I recently used aDwarf sized Mini Rex.
