Lola is a honey-colored Holland (I think)Lop. She is so amazingly sweet. She comes to us when we call her name and even gives "bunny kisses" upon request--should she be so inclined to oblige, which is actually pretty much always. She is our precious little baby! And, get this: we thought she was a female until we took her to be spayed. We found out she is a hermaphrodite!! She has all the external female features but no uterus. Where her ovaries should've been attached, she had testicles!! She was just "neutered"?? so, for all intents and purposes, she is pretty much all female, now. After she recovers, we will be resuming our attempt to bond her to our broken sable-point Holland Lop buck, Bear. Her favorite treats are kale, cilantro, mint, carrots, but MOST of all, banana!!