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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
okay...since I got the litterbox, Ivory's beenusing it...but she's also been attacking it. She turns it upside downand dumps all the bedding out, then resumes using her food bowl as alitterbox. it has two little hooks that go over the side of the cage,but she just lifts it up with her nose, and dumps it out again...anyhelp?
Can you make smallholes in it and attach the litterbox to the cage with twist ties or thelike? Elf moves hers about the cage sometimes too, but she uses itwhereever she moves it (weird bunny).

I might...

Ivory would use it when she moved it, except when she moves it, shetips it upside down and dumps the bedding its upsidedown...and since her cage is on my dresser, it gets all over mydresser...
I think she is trying to tell you something, you have to figure out what it is.

I have a corner pan for Pepper and it has likebolt end with wing nut looking things that I attach from the outside tohold her litter box in place and it works great!!!! I got itat Petsmart and it insn't the triangle one either. It isrounded in the front. Cost like 5.00 I think.
I have a question about litter box, my rabbitwon't use it, she only puts her front paws in it, so consequently hertail and hind feet stay wet because we have her inside. Shewas an outside rabbit but is recovering from fly strike and I can'tseem to train her again to use the litter box . She jumps out everytime I put her in it. Any suggestions?
I've been having a problem with Apollo too. Hekeeps flipping his litter box. So I went yeasterday and bought thetriangle one that has clips to hook it on the cage. Well, he's so bighe actually got it off and threw it across his cage. So now I have tofigure out a way to keep it attached. I tried the twist ties but hechewed it off and threw it again. Back to the drawing board. Not surewhat else to try.

Instead of twist ties, try honest to goodnessmaleable wire from a hardware store. Drill two holes near thetop of the triangular litter box, slip wire though the holes, and twistit around rungs of the cage.

Next, I would advise some chain and a pad lock. LOLHe'd probably kung foo kick that off with his sneakers, eh?:D

Thatis way too funny!!! I'm still not used to having ApolloSchwatenbunny.

Thank you Buck, I will definitely be going to the hardware store tomorrow.
I don't have the problem with my bunny moving itbecause I also drilled holes in mine and tied it with heavy dutywire. But she just wont go into it. I put her inand she jumps right back out, she will only put her front paws in herlitter box, and forget about using it. No Way, I'm just notsure how to get her to use it.
Our bunnies have been funny with the litter boxthing too...we were told that if you put some wet Kleenex (from thierpee) or wet shavings in the bottom then cleen stuff on top it wouldhelp get them to use it. This did work for us they will alluse a litter box.

Then we let them run through the house (now that they are trained) andthey used the cat box. I heard it wasn't good for them to use litter soI put a shavings box next to the cat box for them and the cat usedtheirs and they still used the cats.

I gave up and bought a giant cat box for all of them to share! It works great and everyone is happy even with the litter. :p
Welcome Depatie,

If the cat litter you're using is clay based, you're putting your rabbits at high risk by allowing them to use it.

It can get stuck in their paws and while grooming themselves, if they ingest it, the results could/would be fatal.


Clay-base beeing the clumping stuff? I think thats right if I'm correctI already changed that to the little pebbles when I realized that theyinsisted on using it because I was told cat litter was no good forthem. If the pebbles are a hazzard as well please let meknow:)

It's funny ... the cat always hated any cat litter other than theclumping stuff so when I changed it for the rabbits I thought he wouldget mad ... instead he now uses it happily! Animals are the BEST lol

our bunny loving kitty


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