litter training

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Apr 8, 2005
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Recently we obtained a polish Dwarf malerabbit...............he has been very diffficult to train to go only inhis litter box. When he hops around the room he leaves littledropings everywhere.... Also, he will hop up in your lap andwhile you are petting him he will do his duty onyou..................Does anyone have any advise as to how we can trainthis critter???????????:X..........My patients are wearing thin.

How old is the bunny? I've read when younger theytake longer to train. I've been experiencing this with my 2young bunnies, but after a lil over a month I'm starting to see someprogress. (although they never have really done their business on me,just once). The leaving droppings all over is also a way theymark their territory.

Be sure to put some of their current droppings in the litter and thatshould help some. They also go more frequently when younger.

Hang in there, I have been frustrated too, but am finally making some progress! You will too!