Litter training?

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Oct 9, 2006
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Rock Falls, Illinois, USA
I have Lily's cage set up where I have aspenbedding all over the floor of the cage as there is a solid bottom andthen I have a corner litter pan that I put corn cob bedding and hay in.Well she goes potty in her aspen bedding every time. Well I was lookingat photos of bunnies and their cages on here and it didn't appear thatanyone used bedding in the solid bottom cages anywhere other than thelitter pan itself. Am I just encouraging her to go potty anywhere shewants to go since I have the aspen bedding everywhere on the bottom ofher cage? Should I not put the aspen bedding anywhere other than herlitter pan? I guess I just figured that if she wasn't likely to littertrain until she was older I didn't want her urinating all over her cageand then walking in it. I used the aspen so it would soak it up and shewasn't walking in a puddle. However, if this is discouraging her fromusing her litter pan then I will stop that right away. I have read thatcorn cob bedding is both good and bad so I am not sure whether or notto continue using that at all. What are your thoughts on any of theabove. Thanks so much in advance for your thoughts and opinions onthis.
I was having the same problem you were. They'dgo in their litter box then decide to fill every corner where thebedding was. Instead I took out the litter from the floor, put it inthe pan and left the cage floor bare (excluding some hay). They stillwent on the floor, not near as much and over the month(s) it seemed toclear up and has been mostly in the pan and occasional spills here andthere.
Hello, I am actually having that very problemright now along w/ my boy digging in the litter pan and throwing thelitter out of the pan all over the cage. I recently acquiredhim from a friend, had bedding all over the bottom of the cagetoo. 1st, that starts to stink. 2nd, it doesn'thelp them to get the idea to just use the litter pan.

If you remove the bedding, I wouldn't use that for litter, but wait tosee what others on here say, they are so very knowledgable.But, for absorbtion reasons, I would use a wood pellet or paper pelletlike Yesterday's News, which is what I use. It will helpcontrol odor also. You can put hay in the pan to promote using bathroomin the pan while eating. :D
I would remove the bedding, yes. Youreally don't need it. In fact, it'll only make the cageharder to clean. Then, observe where she likes to do herbusiness at. Move the pan wherever she likes.

The hay thing is also very good. :bunnydance:
Hi Sissy,

I think your problem is the bedding all over the cage. Iwould take it out and just put it in the litter pan. I wouldstay away from the corn litter as it is very fattening. Weused it for 2 of our babies when we first got them, they bothate way too much, the vet told us not to use it.

If you can get a grass mat to put on the bottom of the cage so the bunny doesn't slip.


I just took out the litter about an hour ago andcleaned her cage really well. I put an additional litter pan in thereas the first one I purchased wasn't very big. Well I put the aspenbedding in the litter pans and then put hay right next to them. Sheisn't getting all her pebbles in there as of yet, but she did urinatein the litter box the very first time. I was so proud of her. I gaveher a craisin right after to reward her. Not sure if she willunderstand that, but over time she will. I also sat in her playpen areafor about an hour tonight and she actually relaxed in her cage while Iwas there. She has never assumed a relaxed position around me, but shedid tonight. I was going to ask about the slipping as she was doing alot of that. I will order one of those tonight right away so that isfixed. Thanks so much for the advice. This will make cage cleaning mucheasier if she continues to urinate in the litter pans that is. Shenever urinates or has pebbles in her playpen area so I thought shemight adjust pretty quick as she is pretty clean compared to my friendsbunny. Thanks again.
If she pees outside her box, try sopping up someof it with a paper towel and putting the paper towel in her litter box.That should help a lot.

Since she's so new, she's going to mark territory a bit, too - my girlstill does that with occasional poops outside her litter box. She'sabout 98% perfect with it otherwise.
.. also, if she has a large play area, you mightwant to put her other little box in it too or she might forget she'ssupposed to go in a certain place. :)
I just wanted to put a warning in:

According to the following site, "Corn, fresh or dried, is NOT safefor rabbits. The hull of corn kernels is composed of a complexpolysaccharide (not cellulose and pectin, of which plant cell walls aremore commonly composed, and which a rabbit can digest) which rabbitscannot digest. We know of more than one rabbit who suffered intestinalimpactions because of the indigestible corn hulls. After emergencymedical treatment, when the poor rabbits finally passed the corn, theirfecal pellets were nearly solid corn hulls! Those rabbits werelucky."

Please change litters as soon as possible to avoid anyproblems from your bun possibly having ingested any of the corncob!

Here is the site I got the above information from:

I don't mean to scare you, only trying to look out for your bun. :)

It's what family is for, and you're part of the RO family, so I've gotta look out for you and your baby! :)

Many hugs,


Thanks for the warning. I am strictly using aspenbedding right now. She is doing really well. She has only had 3accidents in her cage since I stopped putting bedding in the bottom ofher cage. She has two large litter boxes and she is using both at thispoint. She never ever goes in her playpen area. I can't believe howeasy it was to get her to go in her litter boxes once I stopped makingstupid mistakes. LOL She is such a joy and I just can't get over howsmart she is for how young she is. Thanks again I really appreciate anyinformation you can give me to help my bunny.

You're welcome...always lookin' out for the buns! :D

Glad to hear you're using different litter now! :)

Also, glad to hear things are working out! Aww...they're notstupid mistakes, Hun...we all make them until we ask. :)

Lily's such a cutie-pie! :)