Litter Training Your Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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, , USA
Hello everyone,

How did you litter train your rabbit? All I am doing currently isplacing Devon's poop in the litterbox. Should I be doing anything else?He does go in the litter box sometimes (probably 10%) of the time. Whatelse do you reccomend I do?


Rabbits generally have one place theylike to call "potty". If you put the box there it should work outpretty well for you, then they'll learn that's where they're supposedto go. As for all the little "poops" you can't do much for those....just sweep 'em up.

I used a paper towel believe it or not.I used one to clean up one of their pee spots and I laid it in thebottom of the litter box. I filled it with litter and put thier poos init. They seemed to get it right away.

What a good idea! I was wondering how to transfer the smell of his pee into the litter box. I will definitely have to try that.

Benji took to using his litter tray forpiddly widdly stuff, straight away ... but he prefers to pooply dooplyall over the place ... well, he DID ..... remember my telling you allabout the rabbit we took in for a few days ? Well,he was outside in the run, and now Benji wont pooply dooply or piddlywiddly anywhere else but out in the garden where the other rabbit wasplaced!! (Not tested him in the rainthough as it's been a particularly dry spell in the UK .. foronce!) Oh, he still likes to piddlywiddly in the lounge tho, so he isn't allowed in there any more !
I did what Tina did with the paper towel and itworked well. Also, getting the rabbit spayed or neutered is also veryhelpful in getting them boxed trained. We were unable to train one ofour bucks until he was neutered.
Well Stanley started out as a free bunny in myroom, so he decided to start going in a corner on the outside of mybookshelf. So I put his potty box there and that's where he startedgoing. He'd have a few accidents sure, but who doesn't? :p

He actually trained himself pretty fast. Then when he had to be put upat night, there was a tray on the bottom so what he didn't put in thebox fell through to the tray. Then when he came out in the morning we'dmove his box to the corner he went to, and he was trained in about 1and a half to 2 weeks I think.

Hope all goes well with Devon! :)

Finally last night, Dubya used his litterbox. He had a large box - cement mixing tray from Home Depot- full of Woody Pet at one end and hay at the other. Herefused to use it. I got a cat-sized box and put Yesterday'sNews in it and hay at one end, and he used the boxrepeatedly. I can't believe he doesn't like the Woody Pet.

If you are able to, you may want to try differnt types of boxes anddifferent acceptable filler. Your bunny may be like mine andprefer one filler over another.


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