litter training questions

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May 20, 2013
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Im a new mommy to a 9 wk old lion head dwarf. Everyone says you can litter train but shed rather lay in her litter box and go where ever in her cage. She doesn't potty outside of her cage when she's running around the house, but why have a litter box if shes just going to sleep in it. Any suggestions?
My rabbit, and my friend's rabbit did the exact same thing when they were just little buns like yours. What I did to keep Pipkin from laying in his litterbox was whenever I caught him doing it, I kinda nudged him out. When you find poop in the cage, always put it in the litter box while you are first litter training because it shows the rabbit the bathroom is in the litterbox. :bunnybutt:

Also, do you have bedding in your cage? And if you do is it the same as the one in the litter box? If it is, either get rid of the bedding in the cage or have a bedding/litter for the litter box and purchase a different type of bedding for the cage. Whatever is in the litterbox will be in the rabbit's brain as in "Oh this is the stuff I poop and pee on" so don't use the same material in the cage as in the litter box.

Another way to avoid the sleeping in the litter tray is to get a seperate little bed or area for your bunny to sleep on and encourage resting on there. :goodluck

This is my rabbit the first day we had him :humour:

Just chilling in his litterbox :headsmack

I know this is an old post but there are no replies, hopefully this problem is already solved!

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