litter training gone AWOL!!!

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
Well the move together has gone fine. They just sit together and eat together etc etc etc.
All happy bunnies..... except the litter training has gone AWOL. I went down just now and they have poop everywhere, and somehow missing the litterbox. One of them( Me thinking Ellie) has peed in an area that neither used to go in!!!

Any suggestions to get them to stop? They are so doing this to me on purpose!!

P.S. they are both newly spayed which is why they have been rebonded!
Do you think it might have anything to do with the spay? Maybe if one is a little sore she doesnt want to move much, or move to go in the litter box?

Other than that, Im not sure. One possibility might be that they are still marking the place a bit, being that they are in there together now.

Have you tried putting hay in the litter box? I do this to entice the guys to use it.

Good Luck and Im so happy for you that they're bonded!

After the spay they have been brilliant. No food or hay etc in the litterbox. When they were eating and they needed to go, they would stop jump into the litterbox and once they were finished they would start eating again.

I have been wondering if they were trying to mark their territory.

They drive me crazy!!:foreheadsmack:
Yeah, they could be trying to mark the place...especially if you washed if before putting them in there together. They want it to smell like home :)

I would put a little timothy hay in one corner..this might remind them to jump in there and actually use it!

Sorry they're driving you crazy...but think of how much time and effort they saved you by being good little girls and not fighting!

;)Just trying to be positive!
I know(sigh)

They do drive me crazy and I was annoyed and then Furby comes over and licks my hand quite a few times and I just melted. They know how to wrap me around their little paws!!!:thankyou
Nup not really. It looks like they are having a little war. 1 of them has peep outside the litterbox(me thinks Furby this time). but I guess I should be breatful they are not peeing everywhere.

They do the same again. I get anrgy, Furby comes up to me and licks me and I melt...AGAIN.

I can just about hear the 2 of them giggling away:colors:
haha. sounds like they're messing with you!

One quick question...are they peeing outside the box or over the edge of the box? If its over the edge, I had that problem and I just got a deeper (cat) litter box. Did you try putting the hay inside the box?

yup Ive put hay there but I dont think its a problem of them knowing where to go. Its just not the same as when they had no litter doesnt feel the same. Initially I thought they may just need a higher back but the litterbox in that area is completely dry and there is a gap between where the box is and where they have gone. The litterboxes are getting used but they are machines at the moment. They dont stop pooping!!!

They're VERY clever!!:highfive:
haha. Im out of suggestions! Maybe just wait until they're all settled being in there together and everything.

Maybe they are just messing with you! Hopefully they will start using those boxes soon!
Thanks for all your suggestions.

I can just see the future...

"human slave thinks we are good and litter trained. Lets give her a nice surprise today.hehehe":foreheadsmack:

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