Litter training frustrations

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Apr 26, 2012
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Houston, Texas, USA
Hazel is now home for two weeks and there hasn't been a single day where he only pee/poop in his litter box. He just seems to go wherever he feels the urge, I don't see him using any particular corner. Also, he has decided the litter box is his bed and spends most of his time sleeping in it. He does pee in it occasionally, but there's a lot more random puddles in other areas of the cage. I've been putting newspaper on the bottom of the cage to help deal with the mess. I use the Oxbox Eco-Straw litter for the box.

Any ideas on how to proceed? Hazel is about 11 weeks old right now. My other two bunnies in the past took to peeing in one area immediately upon coming home, so litter box training was really easy.
Spaying and Neutering does help with this procedure but you do have to realize with him being so young he wont catch on immediately and it will take some training because all bunnies are different.

Also what material do you have in his litter box because if it is hay he may think it is a bed. The type of material plays a great role in what he thinks of it. I use regular litter.

When he goes outside of the box( which sounds like it is a lot) make sure you make a point of taking his pee or poop and putting it in the litter box so he sees THIS GOES HERE.
I really like this website for litter box training-
I'm having the same issue with my angora and I know its solely her peeing outside the litter box. Poop I don't mind to much cause the majority is inside the litter box. Now suddenly she wants to lay in the litter box and its gross because all the poop sticks to her long fur. :X I had to move the litter box over where she was peeing hoping she'd get the hint. I am at a loss of what to do next as well.