Hi all,
New to this forum and hoping for a bit of advice!
I adopted Buzz, a netherland dwarf 2 and half years ago. He is an older bunny, about 6 now, and he learned perfect litter habits quite quickly. Because he was so good, I let him be a free run rabbit and he always found his way back to his litter box with no problem.
A year and a half ago, I adopted a second rabbit, Olive to keep him company. (Yes they are both fixed). Olive is about 2 years old and they bonded quite quickly.
Olive's litter habits leave something to be desired. She was in a cage for the first while when I had her but once she and Buzz bonded I couldn't cage her anymore because that would mean caging Buzz too and I am really not comfortable leaving them locked up for any amount of time. In addition, Buzz throws a fit when he is caged now - he throws his ceramic bowls everywhere, chews the bars and thumps like a madman.
So they are both free run. Buzz loves to explore the whole apartment but Olive won't leave the carpet which is about 5 feet by 7 feet. Her cage is never far away. Despite this, her litter box habits seem to actually be deteriorating. They have a bunny blanket and now she pees in that; she poops all over the carpet, but only at night, and recently I have been finding multiple pee stains every few days on the carpet too.
When I got Olive she came down with e. cuniculi and has since recovered. In addition, I must admit that while she is the sweetest little thing, she is not the brightest bunny. (She once got her head stuck under a bookshelf)
I have tried putting multiple litter boxes out before but that hasn't really helped. That being said, I am going to try it again this week. However, it's not like she can forget where her litter box is as she is never more than 10 feet away and her food and water is in her cage.
Any advice would be appreciated be appreciated but caging them is really not an option.
Thanks so much!
New to this forum and hoping for a bit of advice!
I adopted Buzz, a netherland dwarf 2 and half years ago. He is an older bunny, about 6 now, and he learned perfect litter habits quite quickly. Because he was so good, I let him be a free run rabbit and he always found his way back to his litter box with no problem.
A year and a half ago, I adopted a second rabbit, Olive to keep him company. (Yes they are both fixed). Olive is about 2 years old and they bonded quite quickly.
Olive's litter habits leave something to be desired. She was in a cage for the first while when I had her but once she and Buzz bonded I couldn't cage her anymore because that would mean caging Buzz too and I am really not comfortable leaving them locked up for any amount of time. In addition, Buzz throws a fit when he is caged now - he throws his ceramic bowls everywhere, chews the bars and thumps like a madman.
So they are both free run. Buzz loves to explore the whole apartment but Olive won't leave the carpet which is about 5 feet by 7 feet. Her cage is never far away. Despite this, her litter box habits seem to actually be deteriorating. They have a bunny blanket and now she pees in that; she poops all over the carpet, but only at night, and recently I have been finding multiple pee stains every few days on the carpet too.
When I got Olive she came down with e. cuniculi and has since recovered. In addition, I must admit that while she is the sweetest little thing, she is not the brightest bunny. (She once got her head stuck under a bookshelf)
I have tried putting multiple litter boxes out before but that hasn't really helped. That being said, I am going to try it again this week. However, it's not like she can forget where her litter box is as she is never more than 10 feet away and her food and water is in her cage.
Any advice would be appreciated be appreciated but caging them is really not an option.
Thanks so much!