Litter Trained...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
We were able to litter train our bunny very quickly when we adopted him from the local animal shelter. At home, he's NEVER peed outside of his cage/litter box and he's only dropped a few poos in his xpen (which I chalk up to territory marking).

Over Thanksgiving and now during Christmas break, we've taken him along while visiting my in-laws. Both times he's acted as if he's never been litter trained! When we let him out into the xpen we have set up for him, he poos all over the place (not just one or two, but a whole pile!) and this trip, he's peed TWICE on the carpet!!

He hasn't been neutered yet (next month he will be when he's old enough), but it seems like he's only doing this when he's at my in-laws house for a couple days. Does anyone else have this problem when traveling with their bunny? After Thanksgiving, when we returned home, he went back to his usual lovely, litter trained self. His xpen here is significantly smaller than our permanent one at home--could this be a protest of some sort?
Id say the sonner he gets his little bits whacked off the better ;)

At the same time it is a new environment, new places new smells, new spot for the box, etc etc. Im sure if you stayed there longer he would have eventually learned the propery ways.
Thanks! We're getting him neutered right when he hits the four month mark and is okayed by a vet for the surgery. I'm hoping it'll also curb his carpet digging/eating/destroying desires!
I'm at the same point with Ripley (my 6 mo. bunny) He was perfectly potty trained until suddenly one day there was a dramatic change with him beginning to pee and poo *everywhere*. Getting him neutered will probably fix it pretty quickly. I can't get Ripley done until spring as he's an outside bunny.
Yeah, he is just very young and this is all new to him, so the new environment probably threw him off a bit. Once he hits puberty which will be soon I assure you if he isn't neutered he will start peeing on you as well, not just the carpet :p

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