Litter Box

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VA Bun Bun

Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton, Virginia, USA
I found out a few weeks ago that I ampregnant. I have changed the litter box couple of times sincebut because I don't know how harmful it would be to my baby, I have myhusband change it every day. How about the urinesmell? My bunny has a strong urine odor which makes me sickto my stomach. By me inhaling the smell, will it harm myunborn baby?

I'm not positive, but I have done a little reading on thissubject. I manage a pet store and plan to have children oneday, so just to be safe I've read about it now. I know that acat litter box should not be cleaned by pregnant women because cats cancarry toxoplasmosis.

I'm not positive about rabbits, but I do know that ferret litter boxesare ok. I haveread an article about that and I havea friend who has ferrets and just had a baby. Her doctor toldher it would be ok.

It isn't the odor that is a problem, it's that you can inhaletoxoplasmosis from the cat feces. I would ask your doctorjust to be sure.


The urine itself can be a source of allergensand possible pathogens. Rabbits are known to transmittoxoplasmosis, so I'd recommend having someone else clean the litter ifpossible.

Use good hygiene and common sense -- the actual risk is verysmall. I handled rabbits throughout my entire pregnancy (evenslept with one because I was so ill). We had approx. 200rabbits as well as one house rabbit at the time, so my exposure wasvery high.

I am also pregnant and have had my 18 year oldcat through all 4 of my pregnancies. When I change her box(need to do that tonight/tomorrow a.m.!), I wear gloves and wash myhands immediatly afterwords. Also maybe have a window or twoopen for cross ventilation. I have heard the longer you havehad a cat, the more than likely you have built up a reisistance totoxoplasmosis. I would use the same for changing the bunsbox. But if you cannot handle the smell, by all means havehubby do it! ;) Right now I cannot handle the smellof my 2 daughters "jobs" either so hubby does those when he ishome! If he is gone, out comes the clothespin and the tissueand I get to do it. Yuck!

I forgot to mention that if you are still unsure, check with your Dr.and see what he/she has to say about it. Good Luck!:)

I agree on asking your doctor, (or just be on the safe side and just have your husband do it instead).

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