Litter box with grill

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
Hi all,

I'd been considering getting Mr. Wiggles a litter pan with a grill, so I wanted to send a pic of what I did.


I went to target and found this metalsilverware drawerorganizer, and then at Lowes I found a plastic box (with very sqaurecorners) to fit it. The box was actually a drawer style shoebox. I just put litter in the box and put the drawerorganizer in upside down :D

Just wanted to share!

Megan, what are theadvantages of a grill over the litter-box? Does it help with keepingtheir fur clean, messiness in general or what exactly?

Thanks! No more recent pics of Mr Wiggles, he's alittle goofy looking after I finished his hair cut. But I'm amazed athow quickly his hair is growing. He feels really good to pet right now,much different than all that long hair.

Originally I was going to do it because he kicks poop out of the boxwhen he goes in and out. Also because when I first made his cage it wasstrongly recomended to have a grid bottom. I did make one for the cage,but it took me about 3 hours, and then I rebuilt the cage and thebottom didn't fit, but he almost always potties in his box so it wasn'ta problem. Then when I went to groom him, I got a little bit morepersonal with him, than I had been before and I realized that therewere hidden dirty spots from the wet litter, it just collects on hisfur because it's so long. His feet have never been a problem but Ithink it isthe long hair around his bottom causing theproblem. We'll see as he grows out how this works.

He's been using the box without a problem though so I'm glad aboutthat. Everytime I put new litter in, if I don't leave just a bit ofsoiled litter in he pees next to his box, it's weird, so I wonder if itwill be different with the grid over it.

You know, I wonder if this idea would cure Ellaof digging in her litterbox? I think I will try it!!! You gogirl! I was at my wits did a good job!


I was hoping my idea would help someone. I think it ended up beingcheaper than those I've seen for sale online, and this way I could tryit out without investing a lot, as I wasn't sure he'd realize what todo with it. It was $7 something for the box and the tray wasabout $2-$3 I believe.

Meganc731 wrote:
...when I went to groom him, I got a little bitmore personal with him, than I had been before and I realized thatthere were hidden dirty spots from the wet litter, it just collects onhis fur because it's so long....I think it isthe long hairaround his bottom causing the problem. We'll see as he grows out howthis works....

Very clever idea, Megan, and inexpensive. I like that!

Don't be afraid to "trim" the fur closely around his nether regions ifhe has a tendency to soil himself. We've have several bunswho required that occasional "hair cut." Much more easy toattend to than possible fly strike if his bottom stays dirty.

Don't be afraid to "trim" the fur closely around his nether regions ifhe has a tendency to soil himself. We've have several bunswho required that occasional "hair cut." Much more easy toattend to than possible fly strike if his bottom stays dirty.


Thanks for the encouragment. I did shear him nearly bald when I wasgrooming him. I handle and inspect him on a daily basis, but there'sjust SO MUCH hair that I really couldn't get a good look at his areauntil I had my husband hold him stretched out so I could trim histummy. My stomach literally dropped when I saw the mess, Ifelt terrible, but I'm so happy that I realized this problem at thebeginning of my bunny hood rather than having it go on for yearswithout realizing. Now I know exactly where to look, and I realize thatwhen I have him scrunched up on my legs I'm not gettingthefull view!! LOL

Thanks again,

I used a similiar idea a long time ago when Ihad Mickey. I used a dishpan and bent the wire to fit snugly,so that when he sat on the wire to do his business, he was sittingabove the litter. He never did quite get it thru hishead that he COULD poop there. But the urine is what smellsand stains so bad, and he got that part down-pat. There wasno digging, and he wasn't sitting/standing in the wet litter.
Sounds very similar! :D My silverware organizer sat above the litter too, I don't know if it looks that way to others.

Yes, I can tell it. :))) Idid it the way I did because I had the dish pan and the wire, but nomoney. In answer to Raspberry, that would be an affirmativein all cases. And it can also be weighted with a brick underthe litter just to help keep it somewhere close to where you want it.
No, just a piece of wire left over from makingcages. It's been a few years now, but I'm thinking that I hadto use a pliers to bend the edges. I know that I didn't do itwith my bare hands ... too stiff. I just used what I had.

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