litter box training

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
, Arkansas, USA
I've been reading through posts onhere (which are very helpful!) and I've got the main idea of howto litter box train, but what do you use as a litter box? The door tomy cage is relatively small. And for bedding, would it be ok to usewhat my gerbil uses? It says it's rabbit safe on the front, but Ithough I'd ask. (I'm at the overprotective mother stage, lol.) Thebrand is Critter Care.
How big is your bunny? I had a littleHolland Lop that used the end of a Coke box as her first litter pan! Icut the end out of a twelve-pack Coke box and it was the perfect sizefor her. I just threw it out when I had a new oneavailable. You can make the back and sides a little higherand it will keep everything inside nicely.


Yeah, the size of rabbit will help to decidewhat size litter box to use. My Flemish uses a 20 gallonstorage box as a litterbox, so there is a wide variety of things youcan use lol.
The end of a coke boxwould work great for my rabbit. She's a 7 week old Dutch. I want to gether trained now so I can try and convince my parents to let her be aninside rabbit. It's already hitting the 100's down here and I don'twant her outside in the summer, and it gets to the negatives in winter.I'd rather have her be an inside rabbit. I think I'll go clean her cageand put her 'litter box' in there so she can already startlearning!
You may need to use a big paper clip orsomething to keep the box in place. Mine wanted to throw itall around the cage!

If you live near any farm supply stores, Woody Pet is the best andcheapest thing to use for litter. Otherwise, use somethingapproved for Rabbits. They can't take the dust in regularlitter.


Thanks! I put it in her cage and putsome of the bedding I use for my gerbil in there. Her poop was scattedabout the cage, but one corner was mostly used, so I set it back there.I put her in it and she chewed at it a bit, but didn't try to move it.I gave her some sticks to gnaw on so she wouldn't destroy her litterbox until I was ready to get her a new one. Hopefully she'll take to itwell. Next time I go to get goat and chicken feed, I'll look around thefeed store for some Woody Pet.
Sounds good! I use one of thehigh-backed litter pans you find in pet stores. I wasthinking about upgrading to a big tupperware or somethingsimilar. Winston is having a little trouble aiming, so Ithink the pan is getting to be too small! He'll sit in it topoop or pee, but his butt will hang over the edge so it makes nodifference. At least his heart's in the right place!
I like the dish pans you get at the dollar storefor $1. They're not as big as the big cat pans, but they havehigh sides so that little booties don't hang over.


Laura wrote:
I had a little Holland Lop that used the end of aCoke box as her first litter pan!
I used small cardboard boxes too when Pebbles wasgrowing. I put tape on the bottom to keep themwater proof. And cut the sides for easyentry. Now I use boxes with higher sidesto prevent peeing over the edge. I callthemmy disposable litter boxes. :p



Rainbows! :)

I got one of those high side pans from petsmart in the rabbit section. They work great, and are only around 6 or 7 dollars
I got the litterbox at Petsmart and here is Pepper in it.
Thanks all. I need to get my parentsto take me to PetSmart and Target sometime soon. I put a litter boxearlier today. I put some poo in it and showed it to her. She hasn'tused it any though, so no luck yet. Of course, I didn't expect it onher first day either, lol. I hope she learns quickly so that she can bean inside rabbit sooner.

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