litter box training

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easters momma

Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
lancing, Tennessee, USA
:Dweare very excited about our newbunny, our son got him as agift for easter, (so this is how she got her name) we would love to beable to let her have free run of the house, how ever i'm not doing sowell litter training her. please give me some pointers, easter is sixweeks old. she does ok sometimes useing the litter box but still prettymuch goes where ever she wants. please help


easters momma
I'm interested in this as well. As I postedbefore Tinkerbell does the pee pee sometimes in the litter box but justpoops all over the place. Especially where her water bottle is.
Hi Easters Momma,

Try to keep Easter in a smaller contained area until she is trained,otherwise the house would just overwhelm her. Use severallitter boxes near by and let her know that this is where shes supposeto pee and poop there. Rabbits are smart and can learnquickly.

Rabbits like to be clean, so if they know where to go,theywill head straight for their box. To do this, pickup thepoops and put it in their box. Wipe up thepee pee and put the tissue in the box. Any mess outside thebox clean it up right away so it remains clean, becauserabbits like to be clean.

Reward your rabbit everytime she sits in the box. You can puthay in one end for them to eat and poop on the other end. Letthem get comfortable with the box.

Check out this threadfor more useful information just click on this:

A Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care

Rainbows! :)
6 weeks is just a baby! You may seemore results as the bun gets older. I give my babies a litterbox when they choose a "spot" - thats where I put the litterbox. I see alot more reliability around 4mos.

Good luck! Congrats on your new baby!
hi pet_bunny

thanks for the info i will try to cut back on her space.hopefully that will work. it is so hard to believe we have only hadeaster for a week and i already love her so much. but can you give me afew more hints on basic things like rewarded her and getting her to notbe so scared when im try to get her to come to me. i know she is onlysix weeks so im not sure what to look for you know things she should bedoing and so on. sometimes she will come right up to me and sat on myfoot and other times she runs and hides. i dont want to scare her, iwant us to be close to her so whats some good ways for her to likeus better?

thank you

easters momma
easters momma wrote:
hi pet_bunny

thanks for the info i will try to cut back on her space.hopefully that will work. it is so hard to believe we have only hadeaster for a week and i already love her so much. but can you give me afew more hints on basic things like rewarded her and getting her to notbe so scared when im try to get her to come to me. i know she is onlysix weeks so im not sure what to look for you know things she should bedoing and so on. sometimes she will come right up to me and sat on myfoot and other times she runs and hides. i dont want to scare her, iwant us to be close to her so whats some good ways for her to likeus better?

thank you

easters momma

Rabbits like it when they are at the same level as you. Inoticed what helped a lot with my bunny when I firstgothimwas laying down on the floor and just letting him come upto me and sniff me. It helped him feel more comfortablearound me. :)


Hi Easters Momma,

Pebbleswasa spayed Netherland Dwarf, 5months old when we brought her home. She trained in 5days!

The first thing I did, was blocked her cage in half, so she sat in herlitter box and had little room to move around to her food andwater. It was like a jail cell. :p

When we brought her out, it was on the kitchen floor with boxes inevery corner, a box beside her food and water, and a box on the sidewhere she might go. In other words we had boxeseverywhere. I made the temporary boxes from smallcardboard boxes (around 8X10 inches) with the sidescut down so she can get in and out easily.

Her food was right beside a box, so she can sit in it while eating.

We sat on the floor with her and if she had a desire to lift her tail,we would guide or pick her up and put her into a box.Sometimes we couldn't catch her in time, so we would pick up the poopand put it in the box. In time, you could see which boxes sheuses, so you can eliminate the extra ones. You can move thebox farer away from the food, because they like a clean spot to eat anda dirty spot for litter.


For rewards, we used her pellets. We just fed thepellets one by one. If she came to us, we give her apellet. If she went to her litter box, we give her anotherone. If she sat in her litter box, we give her one.If she used her litter box......well you know what we did.:DReward her one pellet.

Sit on the floor and let her come to you. I alwaysput my hands flat on the floor so she can come up to lick it.You can reward her for that. Let her come to you.Let her run around you. Let her climb on you. Justlet her get use to you, and soon she will know you are no threat to her.

Give her lots of pets. Pet her the full length from head toback. Pet her on her sides. Between theeyes. Behind the ears. Use the back of your handsoshe doesn't feel that she's about to be pickedup. Give her more pellets.

The more time you can spend with her the more reward you get back in return. Good luck!

Rainbows! :)

Hi easters momma,

How's Easter doing?

Unlimited alfalfa hay and unlimited alfalfa pellets andfresh water should be given to young and growing bunnies. Thelabel on the package should list what the type of feed it is.Timothy hay is for mature rabbits.

Rainbows! :)


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