Litter Box Help??

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New Member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Kingston, , Jamaica
Hi everyone! I'm gonna start by saying how much of a huge help this forum has been :)
Okay so, I have a problem finding good litter for my buns. I don't have access to wood pellets or Care-fresh/Yesterday's News.

Newspaper and wood shavings don't control odor very well... So I was wondering if I could use cat litter if I put a screen over it or a plastic mesh cloth to keep the bunny from accessing it or breathing it in?

For example, i would take the litterbox, fill it with like an inch of litter, and then put a grate over it, and over the grate, put the fine plastic mesh, so that the pee can soak through (its the main cause of odor) and the poops can sit on top as its no problem to clean those up. So the cat litter would absorb the odor and the pee and my bunnies would still be safe and sound. Could that work? Has anyone tried that before?
My only concern is bunnies have a tendencie to "beat up" there litter boxes. I would be concerned about bun overturning the box and getting in the litter. My other worry is the respritory issues involved in using kitty litter. Have you considered ordering wood pellets online? Also a feed store might carry them as horse stall bedding. I would not recommend carefresh as the product itself had a musty stinky oder when we used it.
How often are you changing the litter box? I change ours every other day, I only use enough to cover the bottom in each one. You might just need to change it more often.

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