Litter box blues

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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
Nor Cal, California, USA
I have a neutered male about a year and a halfand he is very good about peeing in his litter box. He also frequently poops in it but sometimes he poops wherever he is sleeping (usually under the coffee table or lying near the door to his pen). How can I retrain him to use his box all the time? He has a large rubbermaid pan with hay in it and he does use it, but what can be done about the few that end up wherever he's sleeping?

Honestly, he's doing really well if all you are finding are 3-4 poops. A lot of buns can't even manage that.
He sounds very well littertrained, IMO.

A few stray poops is not unusual at all. You could try putting a throw rug down in his sleeping spots if you are concerned about easy cleanup in the case of caecals :)
we have had one out of 37 bunnies that would do all her business in the box--never left any poos anywhere. Others would leave it here, there, and everywhere. Especially if they lay anywhere for more than a few minutes. We were more concerned with urine anyway.

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