Listless Baby

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Cork, Ireland
I have a 3 week old little ND baby that has been acting listless since this morning. She is a singleton and has been doing really well up to now. As she is the only one her mum has been feeding her loads so she is rather plump. Since this morning she appears to be just sitting there and not eating or reacting to anything. She normally is rather friendly and greets me when I look in.
I totally blame myself for having caused this as I allowed her out into the run with her mom the last few days. I just felt so sorry for her being left alone in the hutch and the weather was so nice. I am wondering if she got bloated from the fresh grass that she is normally not used to. i can't find any diarrhea and i managed to give her some water in a bowl. Mom's milk ducts feel rather engorged :(
I wonder what action I should take. I have critical care and Gaviscon (for bloat in infants) in the house. Would any of those be any good under the circumstances? Any advice would be great.
Don't give the Gaviscon--it's not the right active ingredients for gas treatment. I don't know what to say, since it seems she's getting adequate nutrition. At that age I really don't know what to do. It could be heat stress. I would put out some critical care and see if she'll eat that. I'd also give probiotic if you can. It might be better to ask in the Rabbitry since they have more experience with young bunnies. I think at that age, all you can do is keep them warm but not too warm, well hydrated and force feed if necessary, and sometimes give a few medicines but I'm not too sure. Simethicone probably is fine for young'uns. Can you do sub-q fluids?