Lissa, Can I Borrow Your Pot?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
, , USA
Look what thisrabbit, the rabbit that all of you think is too sweet to do anythingnaughty, did to my couchcushions!!!

He is sooooooo banished to his cage! :X





What Goes Around, Comes Around!


-Carolyn :)
You know, Raspberry should really learn to be a bit more appreciative.

Sebastian was only helping her to do some redecorating.? To him, the sofa looks much better this way.? Sheesh!

Looks like somebunny didn't like the picture of himself in a basketball outfit! ;)
RaspberrySwirl wrote: he's pouting! :shock:


Aww ..lookit da bayyy-beeeee :)


* * * * *

Stop pickin on him, Raspberry! :X
Its the same way with kids...sleep in for thefirst time in FOREVER and wake up to the whole thing of fish fooddumped in the tank.

You have to stay on your toes!!!
ha ha ha rotflmao its just starting.... you watchyour sweet heart has just tapped into the bunny mob and hes working forthem now the goal of these mobsters is to create chaos one house at atime so that they can eventually rule the world. this is only his firstassighnment.

I thinks hes got a nich for the arts ( "thepillows look very nice" he says, "I did it for you mom") Hestrying to give it that worn in look

yea i had a hole in mywall:shock::shock::shock:that i found when i was moving andim not talkin small im talking like digging to china jerry the mousecould of fit lol

Wow Raspberry, that's really bad, I can't believehe did that. What are you going to do? This is only the beginning youknow, it's bound to get much much worse. You'll have to buy anew sofa now every time he does it, that's going to add up quitequickly. I guess the only option you have is to find him a new home.Let me be the first toextend my home to him, I understandthat SLG is prone to chewing on the sofa as well, so considering theirbond, I feel it would be best for her and Sebastian to come stay withus together. Iunderstand the burden I would be taking on, butI really feel I'm up to the challenge, I CAN DO IT!!


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