Lightning Fast HARPER UPDATE!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I haven't been around, I know. I've been somassively, mega busy with school... oh my goodness! I'm a "pre-vet"major now, and school is some time consuming! :craziness

Thought I'd pop in with a Harper update and some pics! Harper is doingfantastically wonderful, that spoiled little brat. I went to Petsmartthe other day and they sell Brome hay now. So, I bought him some hayand a new plush rabbit toy in the shape of an apple. I gave him a big'ol pile of hay and his new toy around 8pm. He binkied and humped hisnewtoy till around 2am. I woke up the next morning to findhim passed out in a dead bunny flop, COVERED in hay from ear to tail,with his toy right beside him. He must've threw himself one heck of aparty! Wonder why I wasn't invited...:huh

Anyways, he had a halloween blast as well. Me and him dressed inmatching attire as witches! Afterwards, he decided to try to sneak intothe candy, but was caught red-handed! Here's some pics below:



Well, gotta run! I have 20 minutes to get dressed for class. Later!

Harper is looking ashandsome as ever! i'm happy to heareverything is going well for you,Ohh and Harper and you look so good inthose witches hats:D

Well thanks for the update,and goodluck with school and everything:)


Hey, I missed this!

Glad to see you and Harper are doing well. My how Ive missed you two!

He looks adorable in his little hat!

Good Luck in school and givethe little man kisses from us all!

Haley and the gang
YAY!! Glad to hear things are going well!!

Cute piccies!! Harper's expression when he's on the candy is PRICELESS!! :D

Hugs to you both! Look forward to hearing from you again! My warmest wishes for your schooling...wonderful!


Hey guys! School is going good, tough and hard.One more month till fall semester ends, then we get a one month holidayfrom Dec. 14 till January 14, woohoo!

Harper just finished running around the yard. I had himoutfor about 45 minutes, then we had to go inside so I can start figuringout what to fix for dinner. He had fun though, he did some megabinkies. He got some good hang time on one of them, I didn't know hecould jump that high!

Still trying to figure out what to get him for Christmas, and I amtrying to find him a bunny christmas stocking, but no luck yet. Maybeonline somewhere...

Missed you guys all so much, huge kisses and hugs from me and Harper! :inlove:
Glad to hear he's loving the new yard!

For a stocking, Ive never seen any at stores that are any good. What Idid last year was take a large paper sack and cut out two stockingshapes from each side, then sew them together around the edges with atwine-like material. Then I stuffed it with oats, hay, dried fruitsetc. The bunnies loved it and it was so cheap!

It takes some time, but you should have some free time come December, right?

We'll be hoping to see you on more then! We miss you two! :kiss:

Ooh...good idea, Haley!

I just realized this will be our first Christmas with thebuns! :) I will have to figure out somethingspecial...I'll be checking around for little treats I can givethem. Maisie's easy to figure out...a few raisins, and she'sin heaven! Flower hardly gives raisins the time of day,though! Hehe...

Wonderful to hear that Harper loves the fun! Iknow what you mean about those mega binkies...we're always so surprisedat Flower's jumping ability, too! Maisie prefers staying onthe ground, mostly, so hers are only a couple inches high.Hehe...:)

Nice to hear from you! :D


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