Well-Known Member
I haven't been around, I know. I've been somassively, mega busy with school... oh my goodness! I'm a "pre-vet"major now, and school is some time consuming! :craziness
Thought I'd pop in with a Harper update and some pics! Harper is doingfantastically wonderful, that spoiled little brat. I went to Petsmartthe other day and they sell Brome hay now. So, I bought him some hayand a new plush rabbit toy in the shape of an apple. I gave him a big'ol pile of hay and his new toy around 8pm. He binkied and humped hisnewtoy till around 2am. I woke up the next morning to findhim passed out in a dead bunny flop, COVERED in hay from ear to tail,with his toy right beside him. He must've threw himself one heck of aparty! Wonder why I wasn't invited...:huh
Anyways, he had a halloween blast as well. Me and him dressed inmatching attire as witches! Afterwards, he decided to try to sneak intothe candy, but was caught red-handed! Here's some pics below:
Well, gotta run! I have 20 minutes to get dressed for class. Later!
Thought I'd pop in with a Harper update and some pics! Harper is doingfantastically wonderful, that spoiled little brat. I went to Petsmartthe other day and they sell Brome hay now. So, I bought him some hayand a new plush rabbit toy in the shape of an apple. I gave him a big'ol pile of hay and his new toy around 8pm. He binkied and humped hisnewtoy till around 2am. I woke up the next morning to findhim passed out in a dead bunny flop, COVERED in hay from ear to tail,with his toy right beside him. He must've threw himself one heck of aparty! Wonder why I wasn't invited...:huh
Anyways, he had a halloween blast as well. Me and him dressed inmatching attire as witches! Afterwards, he decided to try to sneak intothe candy, but was caught red-handed! Here's some pics below:

Well, gotta run! I have 20 minutes to get dressed for class. Later!