Lightning concerns with metal cage

  • Thread starter Sophie's Humble Servant
  • Start date
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Sophie's Humble Servant

So maybe this is a paranoid thought, maybe not...anyway I never considered this until NOW, as I sit here nervously through intense lightning. Sophie's condo is right by the window so should I be worried about conductivity? Thankfully I have her condo on wheels so I did move it a couple of feet away from the window. Is this an issue or not. I was just concerned because her condo is made up of like 60 metal grids!
Is she inside or outside? If she is inside, she isn't in any danger as the lightning would hit the top of the house or a nearby tree.

It is a VERY rare chance that it would be hit by lightning, but if it makes you feel better you can make sure she doesn't. Moving it away from anything that will conduct the electricity helps, or you can cover the cage with a nonconducting material such as rubber - maybe rubber sheeting?
Hey that's the storm we had this morning!

Her cage by the window is fine. Theres a million other things lightning wants to go for that's on the top of your house, it doesn't really peek through windows looking for metal. However, trees, chimneys, weather veins, vents... all fair game :)It doesn't even have to be metal so youre safe, honestly.

If she was outside I would be a little more concerned. But Im doubtfull that the metal used for the grids is even conductive enough to attract electricity outside.
Lol ok thanks, wasn't sure how dangerous it was! Yeah the lightning has been pretty intense for the last 2 hours. Strangely, Sophie isn't even fazed by thunder and lightning, yet, if I rustle a chip bag she freaks out, lolololol!!!!!

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