Light-colored Poops

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Shadow's poops have been the wrong color for a couple of days. They are very light-colored.

His diet hasn't changed at all. I can't figure it out.

He seems to be eating a littlemore hay lately. Could that be it?

I'm a little worried because I remember reading somewhere that lighter droppings may be related to liver problems.

I searched here on the board and couldn't find anything relating to this.

You mean light brown instead of dark brown? Yes it could be due to hay.

I've been trying to switch my rabbits over to Timothy pellets but Spice wont eat them so I stopped adding more alfalfa pellets for a few days, well he stopped eating the pellets and only ate hay and his poops were more of a dark golden brown than what they normally are.
Has he been eating a lot more hay or just a little bit more? Has he cut back on the amount of pellets at all? It's possible that is the reason but I'm not sure if a slight increase in hay consumption is enough to make a huge difference.
Hi Laura,

When S'more recovered from her GI stat, she had light colored poops and then they gradually returned to darker, but the vet said that was probably due to the meds and all the stuff I syringed into her. :bunnynurse

When I switched S'more over to timothy-based pellets her poops went back to the lighter color and have stayed lighter than they used to be. When I switched Brindle, Chippyand Binkie to timothy pellets, the same thing happened.

Maybe it has something to do with the increased quality or quantity of timothy in their diet.:?



pamnock wrote:
I've noticed that our rabbits have much lighter poo when they eat a lot of hay/straw.
And Pebbles has a darker color poo when she eats a lot of vegetables. :D
Just have to find the right balance. ;)

Rainbows! :)
Pebbles is a huge hay gobbler and her poops are lighter then Pepsi, who is a huge vegetable gobbler. I think it could be the amount of moisture in them? With the increased hay, the poops could have less moisture? I'm not totally sure though!;)
Spring wrote:
Pebbles is a huge hay gobbler and her poops are lighter then Pepsi, who is a huge vegetable gobbler. I think it could be the amount of moisture in them? With the increased hay, the poops could have less moisture? I'm not totally sure though!;)

The amount of moisture doesn't change the color (a dehydrated rabbit's poo is the same color as normal poo). The long-undigested hay fiber makes a big difference in the color.


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