Well-Known Member
I really should not even be taking the time to write this as I have to work tomarrow for a few hours but I am in the mood.
I am a live, not already really... mentally, but I have to keep going. Not for me, but for everyone else. If I did not have so much to do I would just lay in bed all day but I have to get up or I would have many huge messed to clean making the day that much worse.
I resently took in two more canines from a horrible place, that brings the total of dogs up to nine. Ca"nine", haha. Five inside, four outside. Went from three inside to five inside in less than a week.
Anyway, one is a toy poodle, they would had had her two years this month. The whole time she either lived in the house on a 5 foot leash tied to a door knob, in a bathroom, or outside on a 5 foot leash. She rarely had water when I saw her, or food, but sometimes she would have a bowl of food for days but with no water she had no interest in drinking.
When I brought her home she was matted to the skin, starved for attention and all over you, boney as could be and agressive toward the other dogs if they came near while she was with you. I clipped her down and started feeding her slow. She has gained so much condition.
After the first two days I started training. For about two days she had no human contact unless nessaury. She was not in a dog state of mind, she had no want for the other dogs so she had to learn to need them and feed off their emotion. She is doing much better, she plays with them, has a bit of self control and when she gets mean the dogs put her in line. She is a new dogs but still way behind, the starvation has made her a bit dim, brain shrinking from dehydration and such.
The other is suppose to be a chihuahua, but I am 100% sure he half chihuahua half dashund. I stole him and then played up this big to do looking for him after telling them he was not around. I was good
:biggrin2:We ended up telling them we found him on the way home and we where keeping him. They had him and his sister gave to them, after a week they started getting sick (they said parvo) so they put them outside in the feezing. He has not been sick since he came here but he is getting healthy. He has been starved the short two weeks they had him. He has agressive towards the poodle because the use to fight over food when they where at the other people's place.
He is doing great going outside to potty and being nicer with the poodle. He does not like to listen but it is that puppy stage as well as the chewing stage.
I barely get time to sit down and breathe let along get on here. Dillan and her babies, the new dogs and keeping the pack happy, the hamster explotion, the cats, the rabbits out in the building. I am just... exhausted. Plus, most ofthe days I have to work I am gone from 6 am to sometimes 9 PM. I have to steal time away to rush and come get everything done, but what can you do? I can't quit because then I would not have the money to pay for everything needed to keep everything ok. Rabbit food, dog food, cat food, guinea pig food, raw meat and bones(the dogs and cats), hay, puppy pads, cleaning stuff, bedding, grooming supplies, hamster food, fish supplies and everything else.
I am typing this with my eyes half open. I better go, I need sleep so I can process thoughts and work my body properly tomarrow.
I am a live, not already really... mentally, but I have to keep going. Not for me, but for everyone else. If I did not have so much to do I would just lay in bed all day but I have to get up or I would have many huge messed to clean making the day that much worse.
I resently took in two more canines from a horrible place, that brings the total of dogs up to nine. Ca"nine", haha. Five inside, four outside. Went from three inside to five inside in less than a week.
Anyway, one is a toy poodle, they would had had her two years this month. The whole time she either lived in the house on a 5 foot leash tied to a door knob, in a bathroom, or outside on a 5 foot leash. She rarely had water when I saw her, or food, but sometimes she would have a bowl of food for days but with no water she had no interest in drinking.
When I brought her home she was matted to the skin, starved for attention and all over you, boney as could be and agressive toward the other dogs if they came near while she was with you. I clipped her down and started feeding her slow. She has gained so much condition.
After the first two days I started training. For about two days she had no human contact unless nessaury. She was not in a dog state of mind, she had no want for the other dogs so she had to learn to need them and feed off their emotion. She is doing much better, she plays with them, has a bit of self control and when she gets mean the dogs put her in line. She is a new dogs but still way behind, the starvation has made her a bit dim, brain shrinking from dehydration and such.
The other is suppose to be a chihuahua, but I am 100% sure he half chihuahua half dashund. I stole him and then played up this big to do looking for him after telling them he was not around. I was good
He is doing great going outside to potty and being nicer with the poodle. He does not like to listen but it is that puppy stage as well as the chewing stage.
I barely get time to sit down and breathe let along get on here. Dillan and her babies, the new dogs and keeping the pack happy, the hamster explotion, the cats, the rabbits out in the building. I am just... exhausted. Plus, most ofthe days I have to work I am gone from 6 am to sometimes 9 PM. I have to steal time away to rush and come get everything done, but what can you do? I can't quit because then I would not have the money to pay for everything needed to keep everything ok. Rabbit food, dog food, cat food, guinea pig food, raw meat and bones(the dogs and cats), hay, puppy pads, cleaning stuff, bedding, grooming supplies, hamster food, fish supplies and everything else.
I am typing this with my eyes half open. I better go, I need sleep so I can process thoughts and work my body properly tomarrow.