Life and temptations!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Ugh, my local pet store now has lop babies. The problem is yall, they only look to be around 4-5 weeks old :(( and I have not seen them in person but i'm friends with the owner on facebook and get discounts for my fish supplies because Walmart has none. I am so torn right now. I have to go in today to get fish supplies and I don't want to walk out with one because of the fact I'm getting Beau this weekend... but they have one that's colored just like Bunnyta. :( I don't want to go in there and bring one home when Beau is waiting for me and he's such a sweetheart. Advice? I'm really angry right now about it though because of how young they are and they're being displayed as childrens pets... when they aren't. Ugh.
Can you talk to the owner and confirm age? If they are that young it should be reported so the babies are cared for properly. Have you tried educating the owner a bit about proper rabbit care?
I will try to, unfortunately the owner is a bit arrogant, she tends to get snappy because I already have tried to educate her about bettas (they keep theirs in horrid conditions) and she doesn't really care for me except for my business. And I can't go anywhere else because walmart has nothing, and it's an hour drive to PetCo or PetSmart. The picture they have on Facebook looks just like when my previous lop was a month old. Here is the photo:

If they are selling babies that young purchasing one will just continue the cycle and show to the pet store that they can make money off of selling underage babies. While you will be giving that one a better life, another poor soul will simply take its place.

I would keep this in mind and it should give you strength to not make a purchase. :)
they do look pretty young, but it could be an older pic maybe? they sure are adorable. you'd better be pretty strong if you dont want another bunny, as i could only imagine the temptation of seeing them in person o_O lol good luck ;)
I agree, and plus I had my heart broken once when I didn't know any better and brought my lop Bunnyta home two weeks too early... of course there's no telling that's what she died from but you never know. I don't want to get emotionally and monetarily invested and the baby die on me. Plus, Beau and I already have a bond of sorts, and he will be 8 weeks this weekend, and he's very friendly and healthy... plus he's free. So I might cuddle them, take a few shots to show yall, but I won't get one. However, it does make me sad they more than likely will go to crappy homes :sosad
I would report them also, because those are really young.
I thought Harley was young when I got him to early, but that... That is ridiculously young.

Maybe report them to a local human society anoymously?

Keep in mind that if they're young, they could also get really sick. Beau is waiting for you, and don't jump the gun with these guys.
They're cute, but down the road they could end up being really sick and expensive.

Learned the hard way.
Double post.

You also beat me to what I was going to say xD ..

If anyone is looking at them while you're there, you could always let them know they're not for children and that they're a lot of hard work.
Haha I saw that you posted right as I posted! XD but no, she just posted pics today with the dates on them and that's their age alright... I'll be going between 2 and 3 so I will see for myself. I might head up there now but Idk. I am heavy hearted because I hate confrontations and the lady already dislikes me because of our arguments over betta care.. But yes I already have a bunny and can't take 2 or even the whole bunch. Poor babies...

Oh, and you know what I noticed? Almost all the people that commented have/had a lop XD
I actually think i'm going to go now, before class starts so I can see for myself. I need to work on homework this afternoon also. I will just give myself enough money to buy my fish supplies and not a bunny! I'll try to talk to her as well...
Good luck, I think it's good you're going to talk to her.

I'm sure she already knows she's doing something wrong.
It's like selling 4 week old puppies... You just don't do it, and you should know better.
I think you need to report them. Is there another pet store that can order the things you need? Or another store? Can you buy these things online? I am not sure I would want a dime of my money going to someone who does things like this.
Well, guys I am so relieved. I went in there, and those pics she had?? NOT the babies! She must have had pics from someone elses litter or something, because the babies in the store looked to be at least 7 weeks at the youngest. They were all blue vienna/blue broken patterns so they were extremely tempting until I tried to pet one... and they all freaked out lol. And plus I remembered how sweet Beau was so it wasn't too hard to just walk out without one.
I agree. I wish they were friendlier, only one let me stroke it. The rest were like EEEEEEK!!! RUNRUNRUN!!! So it wasn't too hard to walk away.