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Apr 20, 2011
Reaction score
Rochester, New York, USA
Okay, so this is nothing I'm really concerned about, I'm just curious as to why my bun is doing this. So, last week I noticed that my bunny was sitting on our bed, which she is usually actively hopping and binkying on. But she's just sitting on there, head glued to the pillow. When I went to see what she was doing, it turns out that she was just licking our pillow. I tried to stop her, just to see what would happen, but she would just go right back to doing this.

My boyfriend and I have had our bunny for about 6 months now, she's about 8 months old though (I don't even know if that matters), and we have never ever seen her do this. She does this almost everytime that she is out now. She doesn't lick anything else of ours, just the pillows.

Is this weird or normal and what does it mean??

thank you in advanced for the help!! :D
Hi Becky. Mimi Caramel is adorable.

I really have no idea why bunnies do that. My Buttercup has his own pillows which he will lick forever.

Have you tried to put your hand on the pillow when she is licking it? If I do that with Buttercup he will lick me. That is so lovely when he does that.:)

Hi there Susan! Thank you, all of your buns are adorable as well :D

No, actually, I haven't tried putting my hand there while she is licking, but I might try that tonight. I would love bunny kisses!!
General Bismark loves to lick things. His favorite things being anything made from fleece (aka a few blankets we have around and a pull over of mine) and our laundry basket. He also has a fleece bed and blankie of his own in his cage.

I call him the Fleece Licker sometimes because he can really go at it! Maybe its a texture thing he likes?
Bunny kisses is one thing that drew me closer to my bun. :)He's been known to climb up on me while Im watching tv and give me a kiss on the nose.
It's a sign of affection :) They are grooming what smells like you, so it is a stand in. Some buns are more comfortable grooming from a distance.

My one girl loves to give kisses and will lick our blankets/pillows as well.

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