Licking licking..forever!

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Snozzie is very young. Normally he/she should still be with the mother. I'm guessing she is just getting comfort and showing affection with the grooming. :)
Unfortunately pet store owners are not known, at least here, for being overly ethical. Snozzie is so very cute. I hope he can make it because he looks like he will be a wonderful addition to your family.

What does your daughter think of the licking? I love it when my bun grooms me. My mini lop loves to lick my neck when I snuggle her. :)
my daughter loves it...sometimes my daughter ask me is she could lick Snozzie back. hahah..:) kids.

My daughter loves Snozzie so much, she even feeds Snozzie like a spoiled with him in the bunny park. we always take him every weekend to the park to get socialized with others bunnies and get good exercise, since our room is not that big for him to run around...
My murphy is a lickrr too. Start petting hrr and shell like everything :) i take it as a good sign
At that young age she's probably trying to nurse. Is a formula for young cats who lot their mothers available there? It might be a powder you add water to.
LOL! If that would have been one of my kids, I'd have said, "Sure!" and then watch as they tried to get rabbit hair out of their mouth. hahahaha

Licking is usually a sign of affection. At 4 weeks, even though they are usually still with their mother, the mother's have them basically weaned. Mine all groom each other, and even their mothers. As long as everything else is okay (normal poops, healthy appetitie, etc) I wouldn't worry. :)
OHH ~~ Its where bunny can play freely and with other bunnies. just a typical park..:) but mostly bunny owners spend time during weekends:bunny19

sorry not really good at English I hope you understand my explanation..
I would worry about catching diseases or parasites from other rabbits, either from direct contact or from their poop. So Honey is outside only in my own yard & I treat the area where her outdoor pen is with diatomaceous earth.
The bunny park seems fun!
Licking is a good sign. I get licks from Bugsy when he's happy with his human lol.

Giovanni, licked him back, got really lucky since he's a rex and his fur isnt too fluffy.. it was funny.

Good luck!