Let's see yer horseys!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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, Texas, USA
I wanna see some horses.. I know you people have em...

Here's some of mine..

New Olympic Event.. boy/horse synchronized swimming...


Bob-- short for.. um.. Big Ol.. B******


Chauncy.. shopping for shoes..


Happy Bob Jr....


Nar El Khedar at the breeder...

AnukSunAmun getting ready to ride at a Ren Faire in all her finery..

Bob called and said he wants to come live in Prescott, Arizona :biggrin2:. MY GOSH...he is gorgeous. I miss horses soooo much. I am still trying to get back into riding...without having to pay for dumb lessons.

I just love horses, they are so special.
I love Bob Jr - he's gorgeous!:inlove:

Here is my handsome man Smokey.:D I'm rubbish at taking horse photos as I always forget to take my camera up to the stables with me but here are some photos I have to hand.:)

To show his colour change - when I got him (July 07)


and him just a few weeks ago (by the way don't mind his snuffly nose, these we taken when his allergies were playing up.:?Luckily we've got them under control now.:))

looking out over the river


ground view


out on a ride


this is ginger 16yr haflinger mare

i love this picture it's my frav:D when the sun is shineing on her i love rideing her to town at time's it's fun.

i love your horses there soo cute :)
Here is my precious girlly, Sioux. (Well I lease her ;)) She is 22 years old; Snowflake Blanket Pattern Appy mare. Purebred as far as I know...but could be mixed with something else? She is about 15.1hh.

I have been training her in Jumping...She can free-jump 4 ft ata stand still...but she's a tuff little booger. You really have to boss her around to get her to do what you want...so riding her isn't much fun..it's more of a hassle but if you get her going its great! lol so here's some pictures of her:



My FAVE pic of her. I have to get some better pics of me & herr.

This is Babe. She's a purebred Arabian. She's like 20-sum years old. I can't remember. both me and my sis ride her, but she's pretty old, she can only walk & trot. Karlee rides this mare too (FallingStar).

I have loads more pictures of the horses that i ride at her owner's house too, but they're still on the camera. I will download them later.


Emily - Sioux is absolutely beautiful! I love her pattern, its gorgeous!:)

Well, this thread reminded me that I don't have nearly enough horse photos, and Peg's thread reminded me the importance of taking photos, so I've been getting a bit snap-happy with Smokey today.:DI wont bore you all with all of them, but here are my faves.:D

Grazing by the riverbanks on the way back from his field.


looking gorgeousin his parellihalter;)


and I had to take this one to show how much weight he has lost since I got him


compared to July last year


That big old tummy has gone!;)Bless him.:p

Thanks Bunnys! I just love her pattern. Here's some more pictures of two horses that I am deciding which one to lease:

First is Kitty: (i'm not riding her)



I would be partial-leasing her with another girl. The only thing I hate is parital leasing...but hey i still get to ride. And her back is SOO short. She's a great jumper and I love jumping so that's what I'm loooking for. I also love TALL horses, she's about 15-sumthing. It's for $82 per month, and as of now I'm going towards her,b ut here's the other big boy (diff. owner):

This is Bubba:

He's 16.1 hh. (yess!) and he's a great jumper. I don't know much about him cuz I just found him today, so I'm waiting to hear back from his owner about lease agreements, etc. I love tall horses, and he's great! I just don't know if my saddle would fit him...but I'm perdy sure it would. He is the chestnut (sorrel) horse in the front of the picture. no idea who the gorgeous pinto is in back. I think i'm gonna lease him if the lease is about the same as the mare; he's closer to me and I love tall horses and geldings I prefer more. They're not as bossy as mares. Plus, he's got a lot of experience in show jumping (well more than Siouxy, but equal to kitty).


Here is his w/ his little lady. She looks really big next to him - or he looks really small next to her! he's 16.1 hh and Idk how tall she is, but she's i think maybe 3, 4 or 5?

But he's VERY gentle!

They're both beautiful but I have to say I think my favourite is Bubba (but then I always had a soft spot for chestnuts!;))And I'm with you on the tall horse point - the bigger the better!;)Smokey is 16.3 hh.:shock::p

It's a good thing I don't live closer to you or I think I'd be stealing Bubba from you!:biggrin2:


[shadow=navy]I:hearts HAPPY BOB JR.![/shadow]
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
They're both beautiful but I have to say I think my favourite is Bubba (but then I always had a soft spot for chestnuts!;))And I'm with you on the tall horse point - the bigger the better!;)Smokey is 16.3 hh.:shock::p

It's a good thing I don't live closer to you or I think I'd be stealing Bubba from you!:biggrin2:

Hehe back off! Back off! lol. (yes i know I LOVE big horses!) I don't even own Bubba, I just might be leasing him. but he's SOOO Gorgeouss. lol.

Yesterday, we had a group of people take all the horses to one barn and the orthodontist and chiropractor came out to check them. I was amazed how well they all did and the things we learned. (My bro inlaw and I stayed and helped with a lot of it) Dakota had a sore spot and reared up and hit his head. We ended up giving him a shot to calm him and he was really drugged up - I didn't have a good camera but this is after we got him home:


Pokie was happy and kept begging for food which they couldn't have for a couple of hours. We went to brush, and vacuum them today. They both look much better now. This is from yesterday.



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