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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Scheduled for June 2nd. I'm not nervous at all.I have a lot of faith in Dr. Hutchinson. He is supposed to be one ofthe best exotic vets in the country. I'm really more looking forward tobeing able to have Stephie and the Fonz be able to be out of theircages at the same time without having to worry about Mini-lop Giants.;)
Hi Mambo!

It's still nerve-wracking when they have to go down for an operation,no matter how much you trust your doctor. Will be thinkingand praying for Stephie girl. I know she's in good hands andshe's strong, healthy, and ready to take this on. Very muchlooking forward to the procedure being done.

mambo101 wrote:
Scheduled for June 2nd. I'm not nervous at all. I have a lot offaith in Dr. Hutchinson. He is supposed to be one of the best exoticvets in the country. I'm really more looking forward to being able tohave Stephie and the Fonz be able to be out of their cages at the sametime without having to worry about Mini-lop Giants.;)

I know exactly what u mean! Hopefully, Russel will be getting done nextweek and i cant wait til him and roxy n nibbles can all be outtogether. I might even join their cages together!!
Oh, you'll love Dr. Hutchinson. Haveyou met him yet? I've seen him a few times now. Hewas going to spay Daisy and Basil, but I had to cancel and haven'tgotten to reschedule yet. He saw Orion when he had an upperrespiratory infection and one of my rats for the sameproblem. He's just wonderful, such a great vet.Stephie will be in wonderful hands.


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