Lego & Jacub are new here

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
Just thought I might introduce us properly. I have two bonded bunnies, Lego a female6 year old Netherland/Dutch cross, and Jacub a male 5ish (he's rescued) year old Holland Lop. Right now Jacub isn't doing so well... but I'm hopeful that we will be able to get him on the mend soon.

Here are some pics


Lego being adorable


Love her kissy lips


Jacub in better days



Besides the bunnies, I have a 13 year old kitty named Jasmine


And two golden Retrievers, Geddy, female, will be 3 end of this month, and Sawyer (laying down in the pic), male, turns two beginning of Nov.


Thanks, that last one was my hubby putting on them his fav teams jersy lol!! I wouldn't have thought to do that, but it does make a fun pic lol!
Everyone is adorable!! :)

I don't think I've seen your name too much around...I'm April, nice to meet you and and all your furry friends(family) :biggrin2:.

Welcome to the forum!

Hiand welcome to the forum. Its great that your here, the best spot on the web for learning about, caring for and talking about rabbits.This is a very friendly site, with helpful people with a lot of experience available.

I can't wait to see some more pictures of your bunny's. They are beautifu!

There is a lot of good information on this site be sure to check out the bunny library.

Bunny Library

I was going to put in a link to tell you how to post pictures, looks like you know how to do that. Took me awhile.:biggrin2:

Be sure to start a bunny blog to talk about your life as a bunny slave and to let everyone keep up with the life of your bunnys.

Bunny Blogs

Here is a link for the regional forums

Ontario Area

In this section you can add information about a good bunny vet you know in youror a place people near where you live can find good rabbit supplies etc.

Don't hesitate to ask questions, even the people who have been raising rabbits for years will tell you they are still learning.

Cute pups, even though they are wearing the wrong jerseys, Blackhawk fan myself. Looks like you have a very contented kitty too.

Whats wrong with Jacob? or have youposted in the infirmary section about him. Sorry if you did, I don't always have time to look in there. Hope he is feeling better soon.

Once again let me welcome you to the forum and I look forward to seeing you around.

Like CKGS said, you have a good looking furry family :)
The photo of Jacub in mid hop is hilarious :)

Sawyer looks like he is trying to talk to Geddy hahaa, they didn't look to pleased about the jerseys but that always makes the most adorable photos haaa :) :)

Welcome to RO!
Sandra!!!!! :party:I am so happy to see you here and have missed you. I'm sorry you are having problems with Jacub I'll keep my paws crossed for the handsome little guy. Welcome to RO!!!!
Sorry I forgot to come back to this thread and read all the welcomes! Thank you all so much for welcoming me soo warmly.

April... nope I'm new here. Was on another rabbit forum for years, but decided to join here.

Dave... yup I posted about Jacub under the infirmary section. Woke up last friday to find him in GI stasis and suffering from head tilt (and thus an inner ear infection)... been trying to get him back to better health since.

Shainabee... Sawyer is forever harrasing Geddy... so I wouldn't be surprised if he was smak talking to her lol!!

Patti... great to see you here!! Thanks, I've missed you guys too!! And thanks for keeping Jake in your thoughts too!!! Hope all is well with Sparky and Scooter, and the fosters too!!!

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