leaving the nest?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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nottingham, , United Kingdom

hi these are my new mini-lops aged 17 days. can someone give me some advice please? they keep leaving the nest to come into the bigger part of the cage, should i keep putting them back? they all appear to be so well but i read and heard that they should start breaking free around 3 weeks old:?. they seem to do it over night lol. and when i go in the mornings they are all with mum in the larger part of the cage:biggrin2:, if i leave them will she still feed them? im sorry to ask what may appear to be a silly question but this is my first ever lot of kits. please help. thank you :wink
They're fine. Mine start leaving the nest a day or two after their eyes open. They're usually hopping out by day 12. The first time I catch one out of their box, I flip it on their side. Sometimes they're just too little to hop back in. XD

Day 17 is quite late, but they're just fine!
Yup, they will get fed. They will go to her for food. It will look like a bunch of puppies hounding their mom to nurse. So cute.
yes ive just seen 1 or 2 doing that with the pellets :biggrin2:should i put extra water in for them too or will they just have priscillas milk for now?. sorry but this is my first ever litter:?

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