Learn how to take your rabbit's temperature

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Dear Friends,

I can't stress how important it is to learn how to take your rabbit'stemperature. This has to be done through their anus to get the exacttemperature. You must have an accurate number in order to proceed.

If it has dropped, your rabbit should be handled one way; if it is high, it needs to be handled a completely different way.

It's the first thing you should be able to report to your animal hospital in case of an emergency.

Have a vet instruct you. It's not something that we can walk you though on this forum. You have to be shown.

There are digital thermometers that you can use rather than the mercuryones. I would strongly suggest, as unpleasant as it is, that the nexttime you're at the vet's, to have them teach you this procedure.

Definitely useful information. I have adigital thermometer. I'm waiting for the next vet visit. I wonder if Ishould try and get in sooner for a demonstration. I think I'll call andsee what the office says.

Thank you for thinking of us.


Dear Tina,

Since you already have a vet visit planned, I'm sure you'll be fine towait; just make sure that you do ask about it when you visit. It won'tcost any extra money for them to teach you.

It's the most important thing for people that will want to help you to know.

Your Friend,