Laying Hen

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
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Dallas-ish, Texas, USA
One of my mom's friends offered to give us one of their laying hens so we could have fresh eggs. I have done a lot of research and I even found a forum similar to RO but with chickens! I was wondering if anyone had chickens and would give me advice if we decide to get her.

Hey Aly,

I have chickens and ducks so if you want advice or anything let me know! If you are going to keep chickens then I would get another one, they do better in large groups so I would have at least one other hen with it.
I used to have chickens, and I also used to have ducks.

I agree, get a few more chickens than just one. Build them a coop with some nestboxes for laying eggs in. They should have access to an outdoors area to eat bugs/etc. My neighbor (where I keep my sheep) has free range chickens and they just eat stuff in the grass, and then whatever grain they can scrounge up.

I also used to have chickens before we moved. But we had 4 or 5 hens that were laying eggs, and we got fresh brown eggs every day. We sold a doezen for $1.50, we got alot of business. :)

I think this Spring or Summer we are going to be getting some morew chickens, hopefully. Because I miss those guys. :p

Chickens are really good pets, I like them.

Would they spread any diseases that the bunnies could get? Also is it okay to keep them outdoors all the time if they have covered shelter? Thank you!:)

I wouldn't let the bunnies and chickens mix, as long as they aren't sharing the same area then it will be fine. Plus chickens are dirty and the rabbits wouldn't like that. If there is a chance of predators coming on your land, eg. dogs, foxes, then you will need to close them in at night, anything would do, a little shed or something, anything they can be shut up in for the night.

Once the chickens have a little shed or something to call home they will lay their eggs in there and come back to it every evening when it starts to get dark to sleep. All you have to do is go out and close the door. For the first couple of nights you probably will have to lift them up and put them in their ''house'' yourself. Until they realise it is their place.

It is ok for them to be out all day. Once they have their littlehouse they will shelter in that. :)

No problem, it's always really exciting when they lay the first egg, I remember we were all fighting over who was going to get to eat it :p
My family used to have a couple of pet chickens, although sadly they have both passed away now.Chickens aregreat pets; very low maintenance, very friendly, such funny little characters and they lay the most fantastic eggs!:)
Good luck with your hen! We have over a dozen chickens, mostly Bantams, but also Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock and Buff Orphington. We've had chickens for years and they are a lot of fun, some breeds more than others. Our RI Reds loved to be held and petted. Leghorns are usually hyper.

Good idea to lock them up at night if predators are around, once they know their house they will go in it themselves and be safer. You'll love having your own eggs. I like the colored ones mixed in because it freaks people out when they come over and I pull out blue and pink eggs!

Get a good quality laying mash also.

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