JAK Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
Because I absolutely cannot stand bad spellers...this made me laugh. Because I know this poor speller is being mocked.
Worst thing is, that person would probably be really confused as to whywe can't understand him/her. What, you don't understandE-tronics? It's like Ebonics but for stupid people withcomputers.
Another thing that bugs meis when poeple type their when they mean there. Stuff likethat makes me nuts. HEE HEE.
oh em gee me too! I hate it when people don't know whento type ''your'' or ''you're'' and when people isntead just type ''ur''for everything. I don't think people realize how incrediblyunintelligent it makes you look. Then there's the people that spellstuff wrong purposely. And think thier so kool.
Snuffles wrote:Another thing that bugs meis when poeple type their when they mean there. Stuff likethat makes me nuts. HEE HEE.