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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
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Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Im considering LASIK because my eyes are soawful and Im sick of shelling out hundreds of dollars every year onglasses and contacts and such.

Only problem is, it really freaks me out! Just wondering if anyone has had it done on here.I need some advice!

My sister had it done, and with no problems at all. :)

I've been considering getting it done since it was introducedoriginally because my eyesight is HORRIBLE (contact prescription: -3.25on my right eye, and -4.00 on my left). I'm quickly gettingsick of not being able to see at night and first thing in themorning...26yrs of it is ENOUGH!! :X I get tired offeeling so helpless!
My dad's girlfriend had it done, and it was definately successful.

I may consider it eventually, but I'm only 16. My contactprescription is -5.00 and -4.50, so yeah, I'm pretty muchblind.
Me too!

Except my eyes are -10.5 in each eye, plus astigmatism..yuck!Im pretty much legally blind so I dont even know what kind of successthey would have with me, but Im thinking of going in for aconsultation..its free so theres nothing to lose :)
I had it in March. I was legally blind and now I'm 20/20. I also had astigmatism.

It's WONDERFUL to wake up and see, although I still find myselfscrambling for my glasses most mornings! Force of habit Iguess.

Ask the doctor if they can give you Valium or something to calm youbefore the procedure. They didn't give me anything and I waspretty freaked out, but I'm a big baby.

I haven't had the procedure done, but I know a few people who have.

My old room mate had it done, and absolutly loves it, as did my cousin.

But I know three people who wheren't so pleased. My oldhighschool friend's mom had it done, and then lost her nightvision. My current room mate had it done, and they didn't doit right so now he's wearing glasses again (not as strong of aprescription, but still sucks). And then one of my houseguests had it done, and it permently damaged his vision, he's got a bigfuzzy spot.

So, when it works, it works wonderfully, but you have to be careful because if they mess up, your eyesight will be ruined.

My advice would be to ask around and find a doctor who is veryexperienced, and try to get a referal from a GP. Do lots ofresearch, and don't skimp out! I would pay more for a gooddoctor than gamble with my eye sight.

When I'm done school, I may get it done, but for now I'm just too broke...

I'm getting LASIK as a gift from my mother and grandmother when I finish VetTech school next December and I can't wait!

My vision is -9 in one eye and -8.5 in the other. I like the way I lookin my glasses and don't mind my contacts, but without them I can't seeenough to function normally.

I went on vacation this summer, and lost my glasses on the beach (I wasin the water and using my contacts at the time). It was TERRIBLE. I hadto wear my contacts all day during the whole trip, and my eyes feltterrible. And at night when I woke up to use the bathroom I wasstumbling all over the place!

Good luck, Haley if you decide to get it. Two of my aunts have gotten it and it's worked wonders for them!

Hi Haley,

I had my eyes done this past August, and I'm extremely happy with theresults. I have perfect vision, and I couldn't be happier! My dad hadit done last April and he's extremely satisfied aswell. Wordof warning: It is really uncomfortable when it's being done, but thereis no pain. :)

Good luck with your operation.

t and Loki
Thanks for the input guys :)

I think I might wait a few years before having it done. Im still undermy parents insurance while Im in school, so they will cover contactsthis year. I think I will hold off until I can get a real job andactually afford it.

I was thinking of just financing it, but I dont think thats such a good idea right now.

Anyway, thanks for all your advice!
I had it done two weeks ago. I can see like ahawk! My vision went from 20/100 to 20/15...Better than 20/20. It's alittle weird but they give you numbing drops for your eyes so you don'tfeel anything and you also get a valium which is a bonus. It's totallyworth it. I can spot about four or five wild bunnies when I go for mywalks at nite now 50 feet away in the dark. I strongly encourage savingmoney for it and proceding with it.

Great thread. My dad was curious about it b/c hes sick of dealing with glasses. Thanks guys =)
yeah, I think its so scary because its either a huge success or its not. Theres really no inbetween.

I know I will eventually have it seems like they makeadvances in the procedure all the time. I am just so sick ofbeing a slave to my poor eyesight!
I'm planning on doing it next semester ( i have-4.00 in one eye and -2.something in the other one, i need perfectvision in order to work as an Air Traffic Controller

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