Large Poops

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA
I've seen advice and comments on small and soft poops, but how about large poopies.

We've had Chippy since early November. She's on a pretty basic diet oftimothy, pellets (1/2 cup/day) and water. We occasionally give heroats, rasins, or small amounts of greens. I'm sure she never had anytreats or greens before we got her. Any deviation from the basic dietseems to give her soft poops so we kinda limit them to once a week.

When we first got her, her poops were large, coarse/dry, and green(like grass). They are now more consistantly dark in color and rangefrom soft to hard depending on what she has had to eat.

The thing is, they always have seemed to be quite large. Sometimes theyare so big they don't fall through the wire bottom of her cage. Shedosen't seem to have any difficulty or pain when she poops. She notvery big, I think she weighed in at about 4 pounds at the vet.


PS>> I love the word "Poopies" sound so cute!
My bunny Roger Poopies are pretty big too!! Buthe weighs i would guess 7 lbs to 8 lbs but his are much bigger thanLuv's. Not sure why though. So i cant help ya.


Hi Jim, :)

Interesting question. I've never seen it before.

Doodies tell us everything.

What feed was she getting before you adopted her? What pellets do you give her? How old is she???

You say she doesn't look like she's straining when she does her Doody? That's key.

How's her behavior?

If I noticed big doodies all the time, and the rabbit was acting as italways had, I'd not be alarmed. That's just how that rabbit's systemworks.

If, however, I noticed that sometimes the doodies were much bigger thanothers, I'd log the food/treats she was getting and see if I couldtrack it from there.

Texture is as important as size. Cecotropes that aren't in a grape-likeform, but comes out more as a mush, is the first sign of diarrhea andhas to be taken seriously.


Yes, I've never read anything registering alarmabout over-sized poops. If she can expel them and, as Carolynsaid, everything else about them seems normal, I wouldn't worry atall. Hey, taking a healthy "dump" might be a sign of goodhealth, eh? *chcuckle*


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