LadyLuv Looses Rose Colored Glasses

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Sep 24, 2006
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Westlock, Alberta, Canada
I am learning MORE than I ever wanted tooabout Idiot People and innocent Rabbits.... and ... the idiots arewinning this battle. I now believe Im meant to learn things I dontapprove of, so, I will do something to help the problem { I`m that typeof a Lady ... {Dangerouse when protecting animals and children}.PetShops and Rabbit mills ... LOOK OUT ..... " I am Comming For You "on my quest to find my new best friend {bunny} I have seen more abusethan i knew was being done to rabbits !!!!! Picture this ... A truckpulles up in front of pet store { really big and full truck } , outcomes the driver and starts unloading ... low and behold, ... real liveanimals are his CARGO. it looked like the unloading, of Noa`sArk.... puppys, kittens, bunnys,guini-pigs.lots ofrodents of differant varieties ..... ..... the truck goes through thecity unloading at all the variouse pet stores.... just like the Pepsitruck unloads it pop at the grocery stores all over town..."OMG" :mad: :mad: :mad::mad: I went into 5 differant pet stores.... asked questions...apparently REALLY Hard Questions .... What breedare these rabbits? .... How old are they?.....Where did they come from?.... Who is the breeder ? ...Are they male or female ? .....The answer to all these questions and many more is .... " I Dont Know... they phone ahead to tell us how many they are dropping off , thendeliver the next day ". Iam NOT impressed!!!LadyLuv
Same exact thing happend when I got Bud. No ideaon age, (9 months or less it supposedly) breed, (all purebreed i'mtold... yeah...) or anything. They're also the ones that "thought" Budwas a male... who knows really? He acts like a pushy male anyway so itsuits him but I wouldn't be suprised if he turned out to be a she. Thisis all at Petco too. The people that drove every other pet store out ofbusiness here and still doesn't seem to be doing that great of a job.

I really just wasn't satisfied with the ammount of information irecieved from them. If its not on their little care sheet theassociates don't seem to know anything.
Welcome to the wonderful world of animal neglect! Isnt it awesome!:mad:

I try to avoid pet stores for just that reason. I almost always end upcomplaining to management about dirty water, improper housing etc, andthey almost always do nothing about it.

If you really want a rabbit, I suggest a shelter. These pet stores needto be put out of the business of selling live animals. Unfortunately,not many people are aware of what goes on to get an animal to a petstore. So many die along the way, be it from being weaned too young orfrom the journey in the back of some truck in extreme temps. Pet storeswill almost never know the sex of the rabbit, the breed, age etc. Theytell people almost all the time that the rabbit is a dwarf (knowingthat people want little pets) and the people believe it because therabbit is so young and small that it looks like a dwarf.

Sorry for my rant. Im having a bad day and it makes me sick to thinkabout all these rabbits in shelters dying while pet stores are stockingup!
Hi and Thank -You ..... I didnt think youwere ranting at all .... I am SOOOOooooooPIZZED !!! .... I want to hurt people {honestly}.Speaking of SPCA ... I went there as well .... OhhYa..., not good .... the stink from the bunny cages burned my eyes ...NO exageration ..... I filled out adoption form{you do this BEFORE,youdecide if you wish to adopt a rabbit { go figure} ..... they then saidsomeone would be with me shortly ... dont touch the rabbits ... sooooooi waited in the stink {poor bunnys} ... and waited .... and checkedback with the desk { many times} .... after a couple ofhours,one of the clerical staff tryed to assist me in theovercrowded room .... she admitted knowing nothing about therabbits { a very nice Lady } they were short staffed .... I left .... {i have trouble seeing so many animals all in need of families} .....then i went to a BREEDER`S home..... Im not EVEN going there in thispost .... she was a super nice lady who loved her animals ... just notthe same way i would have had them ... she had some BEAUTIFUL rabbitsand was exstreemly knowledgable about the show standars etc ... and iknow she wanted good homes for her bunnys .... BUT.... and im saying no more. PS/ Ill never get the smellsout of My nose from yesterdays wanderings .... and NO way herds ofrabbits can be happy in those cages....LadyLuv owner of the BROKEN rose coloredglasses .... I was happier wearing them .... but not as smart or asupset
Yes, the treatment of rabbits at the SPCA variesfrom shelter to shelter. I am proud to say that the bunnies at theVictoria SPCA are treated very well.

Have you ever thought of adopting from SARS BC? They are a network ofvolunteer foster homes taking in rabbits in need. They could probablytransport an animal to you if one or a couple caught your eye.

Keep trying!

Here's an Edmonton rescue I found on Craigslist:

OK I am probably gonna get slammed for this one,but the pet store by us is actually good. They are verydiligent about cleaning up after their animals (cages are cleanedmultiple times a day), the girls that work there all play with theiranimals and they breed their own. They donot breed if they have enough animals and quite often do not breeduntil they have enough people requesting an animal of one type oranother. I've never seen more than two rabbits, twochins, two guineas etc at a time. They do have more of thehamster/gerbil variety, but still not the over abundance you see inother pet stores. I have never seen a fly in the store orsmelled anything animal wise. I have to say the animals thereare in better conditions than our local shelter where it stinks to holyh*** it's fly infested and cages are usually barely clean if notFILTHY. Now maybe we're lucky the pet store ownershave two stores, both local. They are NOT a chainand are owned by a man who is totally CRAZY about animals.It's run by him, his mom, and his children. I thinkwe are blessed to have this store. They only carrythe higher quality foods and are very informed.
I wouldn't doubt there are people that actuallygiving a damn running pet stores b/c they actually like animals... notmoney. Those are the people we should really be thankful for.
I have to quite reading this stuff.Too upsetting for me. You guys should check this out, I wasat the pethub site, you can look around w/out registering, unlikehere. I went to the rabbit one of course, I was just bored atwork, slow today so I checked it out. You want to talk aboutignorance? Let me know what you think. :X
Thanks Jordy .... thoserabbits seem happy and the staff very knowledgable ...yayyyyy for B.C. your rabbits are so sweet... Im finding Myself really attracted to the broken colors ...especially the blacl and white ... 3 cute 4words LadyLuv
Hi .... You have such a cutey bunny ... whattype is he/she ? .... sooo pretty ... biy I find the black and whitesoooo pretty LadyLuvPS/ thanks 4 letting me vent on here ... i didnt mean to upset you ...but i had to tell others that care .... I can still smell the urinesmell .... unbelievable .... I am LOVING thissite LadyLuv
LadyLuv, I totally understand. My cityhas four pet stores, used to be five. The one that thankfullyclosed and another one are truly evil. My chiropracter is inthe other half of the building next to the closed pet store.He said when they were looking to expand they had looked at renting thehalf where the petstore had been. But it was stained andsmelly and so gross even after professional cleaning that there was noway they would take it. I was in there once before I hadrabbits, and I saw that they were keeping rabbits in 10 gallon glassfish tanks. There was a full grown dutch who had poop allover his butt because the poor thing couldn't turn around and cleanit!:mad:

The other one, I don't know how it stays open. It sellspuppies and kittens (evil)and you can smell feces as soon asyou open the door. When one of the relatively good petstorestarted selling puppies there was a protest and a boycott and theystopped in 3 months. So nobody must go in to the evil storeto know about the puppies. I was there at Easter once andthere were 15-20 rabbits in a 2x3 cage full of poop with no food andonly one small water bottle. And all their shelves andmerchandise are covered in dust. Eww. How do theystay open?

Two of the not-so-bad petstores sell rabbits, and I check on them everytime I'm in there. One I've had to remind workers about foodand water, and they feed a treat-filled pellet that gives some of thenew babies diarrhea. *sigh* The other one is prettydecent, and they feed veggies and hay, but they do sometimes house therabbits with guinea pigs.:?

My first bun was from a pet store, but that's before I knew how manywere at the shelter. My shelter takes pretty good care of therabbits although they're not handled much and are in smallcages. But they're clean and fed. So now I'd onlyeither adopt or buy from a breeder if I really wanted a particularbreed. With all the purebreds that my shelter gets, Iprobably won't go to a breeder.