I am learning MORE than I ever wanted tooabout Idiot People and innocent Rabbits.... and ... the idiots arewinning this battle. I now believe Im meant to learn things I dontapprove of, so, I will do something to help the problem { I`m that typeof a Lady ... {Dangerouse when protecting animals and children}.PetShops and Rabbit mills ... LOOK OUT ..... " I am Comming For You "on my quest to find my new best friend {bunny} I have seen more abusethan i knew was being done to rabbits !!!!! Picture this ... A truckpulles up in front of pet store { really big and full truck } , outcomes the driver and starts unloading ... low and behold, ... real liveanimals are his CARGO. it looked like the unloading, of Noa`sArk.... puppys, kittens, bunnys,guini-pigs.lots ofrodents of differant varieties ..... ..... the truck goes through thecity unloading at all the variouse pet stores.... just like the Pepsitruck unloads it pop at the grocery stores all over town..."OMG"

I went into 5 differant pet stores.... asked questions...apparently REALLY Hard Questions .... What breedare these rabbits? .... How old are they?.....Where did they come from?.... Who is the breeder ? ...Are they male or female ? .....The answer to all these questions and many more is .... " I Dont Know... they phone ahead to tell us how many they are dropping off , thendeliver the next day ". Iam NOT impressed!!!LadyLuv