Well-Known Member
The older we get Im finding my husband &I have different interests (and its getting okay). Our son is 14 anddoesnt need/want mom to hang out with as much anymore. Friends alwaysseem busy with their own families. Ive disowned the dysfunctionalfamily I grew up with. So my question is - what do you do foryourself? where do you go solo?
This past wknd I went alone to the Rabbit Education Seminar in RhodeIsland. I did enjoy it, didnt feel awkward, etc. There are a few applefestivals coming up in my area (central MA). I have a week booked soloat WDW in April. What have you done by yourself, for yourself?
This past wknd I went alone to the Rabbit Education Seminar in RhodeIsland. I did enjoy it, didnt feel awkward, etc. There are a few applefestivals coming up in my area (central MA). I have a week booked soloat WDW in April. What have you done by yourself, for yourself?