ladies - what do you do for yourself/where do you go solo?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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, Massachusetts, USA
The older we get Im finding my husband &I have different interests (and its getting okay). Our son is 14 anddoesnt need/want mom to hang out with as much anymore. Friends alwaysseem busy with their own families. Ive disowned the dysfunctionalfamily I grew up with. So my question is - what do you do foryourself? where do you go solo?

This past wknd I went alone to the Rabbit Education Seminar in RhodeIsland. I did enjoy it, didnt feel awkward, etc. There are a few applefestivals coming up in my area (central MA). I have a week booked soloat WDW in April. What have you done by yourself, for yourself?
It may not be the same but for me when I gotmarried I moved to CT. I was born and raised in MA. All my friends arein MA. They are in college. So I don't get to see them. When I can getto MA which is the weekends they are working. I have started doing alotof crafts. Surprise I am actually really good.Reading more. Istarted writing again. Lots of new forums. Some rabbit related, somegame related. I haven't been able to find a job so...yea lot of time onmy hand.:(
Coffee shops!:D

And libraries and hiking. And pet stores- sometimes I take aday trip to Milwaukee just to go to a really cool pet store.

Unfortunately I don't have many friends of my own here, they're mostly my hubby's old buddies and their wives.:?
I'm going through the same thing,turbotina. My 12 year old daughter is always doing something,so when my husband isn't around, I don't know what to do withmyself.

I read or watch TV, but I really need to get out more.

Too bad Massachusetts is so far away!

I've been living alone for quite some time now(iffn you don't count the furry beasts as roommates). My pasttimes tendto include walking the dog (looong solitary walks, 2 to 4 hours), goingto PetSmart, walking to the farmer's market downtown, visiting Chapters(bookstore), Tim Horton's (coffee shop), the annual horse show whenit's here, going down to 'The Hill' on Canada Day to check out theentertainment, going shopping at a local used clothing outlet, orvarious events that might be taking place in the city. I've yet to goto a movie alone, though it wouldn't bother me to do so. And of course,when I'm home I hang around the animals, tending my veggie garden,trimming the lawn, reading a book, or just relaxing....and in theevenings take in a tv show if anything good is on (Lost, House...youknow ;)).

That's about it for me...nothing exciting...:?
I hadnt thought of the bookstore for a while. Afriend & I walked into Barnes & Nobles lastChristmastime. They have a coffeeshop too. I could see myself spendingsome time there. Thanks for the ideas everyone - any more?
I read, read, read!! I know it soundsreally nerdy, and quite lonesome, but you'd be surprised how the timepasses when reading a good book! I try not to watch much TV.

When my daughter is older, I'll be going to the skating rink on my own, too. But she's still six.

I know how you feel, though...I've had to disown most of my family, too. :(

But, keep your spirits up,'re part of the RO Family, andwe're always here for you. I know it doesn't sound like much,but when things get really quiet here at home, like when my husband isworking out-of-town, it's always so nice to log on and chat with my ROFamily here. :)

We love you! :D:inlove:
The online forumthing used to be a bigpart of my life too...I got to know a lot of people over the Internet,even went to visit one friend in Boston a few years ago. I don't do itso much now (go to forums) but was great whenever I needed to talk tosomeone and no one in *real life* was around.

Another thing I did for a while to fill in my time was to volunteer asa dogwalker for the Humane Society. At the time I didn't own a dog -had just lost my own - and I missed having a dog in my life, but wasn'tready to take another in. So I used to go on the weekends and walk thedogs there...and it was very rewarding, seeing all those little faceslight up when they knew they were going to get out of their cage and gooutdoors for a while. I did have to quit after a year and a half, asseeing so many animals wanting homes just tore at my heart, but for thetime that I did volunteer, it was what I needed...and it helped thedogs at the same time. (I also wound up going home with one of them aswell; something I hadn't planned on, but it turned out to be one of thebest decisions of my life...:))
I am only still young, but when I want to be onmy own, or my friends etc are busy, I take my dog for a walk on reallylong walks, like an all day-er. They are really fun, and youaren't totally on your own cos you have pooch with you :DSoyou dont look as stupid when you talk to yourself, cos they think yourtalking to your doggy!

So in my opinion, if you dont have a dog yet, get one :D

I wanted to go to the cinema to see Lassie a few months ago, but noneof my friends wanted to see it, so I went on my own. To myhorror I turned up in the cinema screen and I was the ONLY person inthe whole cinema screen! :shock:I felt soembarassed! But once the movie started, I forgot that nobodywas in the cinema with me. It was a right laugh, even thoughI was completely on my own :D
I agree...they really are wonderful. Idon't have one (haven't since I was a teen when my sister was givenbeautiful Daisy the Boxer), but I would if I had the space! :)

Right now we just don't have the room, and I think my two kitties wouldshun me completely if I tried. My husband and I do have theintention to eventually get a Beagle though. And of coursewe'll name him Snoopy. We're too big of Charlie Brown fansnot to! :D And if the pup is a girl, probablySnoopette...hehe! :D

Linz_1987 wrote:
So in my opinion, if you dont have a dog yet, get one :D

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