Lack of progress

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Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Arkansas City, Kansas, USA
I havn't been having the best of luck breeding my rabbits and it's getting me down. First off Shadow my oldest of two does won't let Willow, the buck, touch her and Kiaya, the other doe, seems to young. I havn't tried breeding my french lop trio because of the cold. Any tricks of the trade that you could give me would be wonderful. Thank you.
What are the ages of the does and have they been bred succesfully before?

Your buck is interested but the doe won't lift? Or is he even trying?

With my rabbits I usually have to assist. Majority of my does wont lift and/or try to bite. I usually help by lifting the doe and holding her down so she can't run away. I try to let her in the cage and see what the buck does. Running around usually gets him going and then when he seems ready I will hold and lift her.
What are the ages of the does and have they been bred succesfully before?

Your buck is interested but the doe won't lift? Or is he even trying?

With my rabbits I usually have to assist. Majority of my does wont lift and/or try to bite. I usually help by lifting the doe and holding her down so she can't run away. I try to let her in the cage and see what the buck does. Running around usually gets him going and then when he seems ready I will hold and lift her.

Shadow is a little more than a year and yes she has been successful. Kiaya is 8 mths old now. She is the offspring of shadow.

Yes he is interested but she runs away from him, and when I hold her down he won't mount her.

The French Lop does are 8 and 9 mths and have never had a litter.
Try putting the buck and Shadow in a smaller enclosure so she can't run too much. If it doesn't work the first time, don't give up. I wouldn't think Kiaya is too young. Is the buck her father?

If you want to breed the french lops and are concerned about the cold you could bring the doe inside a few days before she's due. She can have them inside and once the kits have fur then you can acclimate them to being outside again.
The young one is old enough to breed. We try to breed anything by the time they hit a year old.

Sometimes I try to be sneaky and if the doe goes into a corner I will pet her through the bars to get her to calm down. Some bucks can be shy or not want help. My bucks are pretty used to it and they usually want to breed more than they don't want me to help. I would keep trying dont give up. Breeding can be difficult
Best of luck to you! I've been trying to get my 3 Polish does bred, and nada. I'm glad now we picked Flops and Cals because they are super easy. And I mean easy! LOL I'm about to scratch the whole Polish thing and just stick with the other two breeds. :(
Well I have tried breeding them today. I put Willow in a travel cage with each jersey does but won't mount. Big louis mounted Simone but Charisse started growling and trying to bite him as soon as I started to put her in his cage so I put her back.
Best of luck to you! I've been trying to get my 3 Polish does bred, and nada. I'm glad now we picked Flops and Cals because they are super easy. And I mean easy! LOL I'm about to scratch the whole Polish thing and just stick with the other two breeds. :(

Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble breeding your Polish. I find that my Polish are usually easier to breed than the Tans are. I don't know what it is with my does...after they let the buck breed them once or twice they'll turn around and try to start mounting him! I take that as a good sign, that they are ready and in the mood.
Willow sounds like he needs a talking to. Has he bred before? I assume so? Some people if they have a young shy buck they will put him in with an older buck and you know. They cant breed but it works for some and people recommend it. I think it kind of shows him the ropes

Is the doe is growling and charging she probably isnt ready. I would give her a little time maybe 3-5 days. Ive never really paid attention but some people breed with full moons? Im not sure if it works but some people religiously do it.
I've never done this but some people put apple cider vinegar in their does water for a few days before attempting to breed. They say it helps get the doe in the mood. Some even put it in the buck's water.

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