Krissa's Bonding Thread

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
After reading all the rabbit bonding that has been going on, I am determined to try again with my boys and to eventually get them in the same cage. I'm going to keep everything in this thread to keep the clutter down. I'm going to give a little history, please comment and give ANY suggestions, I'm going to need help. All rabbits are fixed.

I mostly am posting this so you all will encourage me and keep me trying. Last time I just gave up.

The Reason: We are going to move to a new house sometime in the next year, my husband has promised me a entire room for my pets that will be animal proof. I would like to give my rabbits free range of this room and eliminate cages.

The Bunnies:

Merry: (Female Mini lop) She is currently housed with Frodo. She is a sweetie, but a bit messy with her litter box habits. She has met Gandalf several times and they just mounted each other.

Frodo: (Male Dutch) Frodo is the sweetest rabbit, to humans. He is bonded with Merry but hates Gandalf. I have introduced them once, and he immediatly attcked Gandalf, biting him several times (he got me too). If Gandalf is in front of his cage, Frodo will try to bite him through the wire, Frodo has bitten Gandalf throuh Gandalf's cage wire. He HATES Gandalf. If Merry has played with Gandalf, Frodo will bite her unless I rub something scented on her.

Gandalf: (Male Mix) Gandalf is scared of everything (I found him outside after a thunderstorm). If I put him on my bed, he sits still and shivers, he will not take any treats outside his cage. He likes chasing Merry and mounting her, but there has never been any biting or hair pulling. Because he is so terrified I stoped the bonding last time because I didn't want him to stress too much. I have thought about it and I think he is lonely and I am hoping that once he is bonded he will have more confidence.

I have decided to start with the bathtub method, neutral territory and a squirt bottle. I know that a car ride is supposed to work but Gandalf is terrified during them but Frodo is not phased at all by them.

I am going to start when I get home from work, my husband will help. Does anyone have any sage advise? I fully expect Frodo to attack Gandalfas soon as he sees him.
Oooh, good luck! Wear thick leather gloves so you won't get hurt as bad if you have to break up a fight.

"Forced snuggling" helped a lot when I was rebonding Fey and Sprite. Before I started that they would attack each other on sight, and Fey actually went nuts once when Sprite pulled some fur off of her and turned into a whirling tooth demon. It's the only time she's ever bitten one of us.

Anyway, what we did was I held one bunny, James held the other. We stood next to each other and held the bunnies together. We petted them, mixed their scents together, told them how good they were, and gave them treats when we put them back in their cages. Sprite got angry and nipped at first but settle down pretty quickly. We did this a couple times a week for several months while we were moving and getting situated in the new house. When we started bonding them, we first did forced cuddling but on our laps instead. Then we released them and let them roam between our two laps but no farther. Since they didn't show any aggression we moved to the bathtub (which only scared them, btw). We continued to do forced cuddling before every bonding session until they started to be friendly with each other.
naturestee wrote:
We petted them, mixed their scents together, told them how good they were, and gave them treats when we put them back in their cages.
Good idea, I'll see if my husband is up for holding a rabbit in his lap tonight, I'll hold the one that bites (he really does not like rabbit teeth :shock:)
I was reading some of the links on bonding and saw a suggestion about the vaccum cleaner, they both are scared of it so I'm thinking that will work if I need to scare them to bond them.
Good Luck to you!

Bonding can be so stressful sometimes! Im currently bonding three males. Just remember to be patient. One thing I try to remember is that I am an active part of this bonding process. They respond to what Im doing. If they are being good, make sure you give them lots of praise (treats are nice too!).

Also, from what I can tell, its best not to do all three at once. I would just do the two boys first.

Good Luck!

Ok, just tried Frodo and Gandalf in the bathtub. My husband held Frodo. It went great at first, they ignored each other for about 5min. Then they started sniffing. My husband released Frodo. I gave them both a treat. They sniffedfor 5 more minmore then all of a sudden Frodo bit Gandalf's butt. I squirted water and yelled, husband grabbed Frodo and Gandalf mounted him. Separted bunnies opposite ends of tub. Gandalf came over again, and they sniffed. I haded out treats and ended it. I wanted to check Gandalf's butt but end on a good note.

So, what should I put on the massive rabbit bite on Gandalf's butt? I feel so bad he got bitten, it was just so fast! I dont want any infections.
I just found the rabbit first aid thread and put Neosporen on it. I'll check it tomorrow, and if its bad, its off to the vet. It must hurt cause he kicked my husband when I put the stuff on.

I feel so bad he got bit, I cried when I put him back in the cage, I feel like a bad mommy.:tears2:
Aww..poor little guy.

Its not your fault though, these things happen and just be glad it wasnt worse. My guy bites all the time during bonding, but never really bad.

Dont give might want to try Naturstees method of holding the buns, this way they cant get eachother too badly.

Hope the little bun is okay!


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