Know anything about cats?

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Rabbit Hero

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Just a few minutes ago my cat pooped outside of her litter box in the kitchen. She is a DMH about 4 years old.

Her feces were small, and seemed to be well formed. I didn't see any mucus or anything to indicate it might be Diarrhea.

Any ideas why she may have done this?
Is the box clean enough - to her standards? :p (My cat's standards are uber-high

Did you annoy her in any way?
Nails, flea spray, etc. Dog or cat visited?

Any new scents in the house?

Declawed or recent surgery?

Any improper peeing lately?

How far away from the box... inches? feet?

Has the kitchen garbage been taken out, or is it starting to smell?

Litterbox size?

(check out the cat crapped on the couch thread from a few years ago... I feel your pain!)
I clean all the pets litter boxes daily, my apartment is to small to leave it any longer! I take out the garbage and the recycling regularly to.

Well.... come to think of it I was cooking dinner and I bumped into her. This happens all the time but she let out a yowl as if I had stepped on her and I told her to "pipe down, I barely touched you!"

I haven't noticed any improper peeing. though last week she did have a bit of diarrhea. I have the Cat Owners Home Veterinary Handbook, and I consulted that since I couldn't get her to a vet that day. I removed her food fro 24 hours and she didn't have any issues after that. I assumed she ate something funky - which she has done before.

As far as I know, no new scents. the landlord was in two days ago to fix my leaking sink.

No surgery.

She went a good 6 feet from the litter box.

I suppose its a standard sized litter box. It has a cover. ( I don't have a measuring tape other wise I would measure!)

I'll check that thread now! thank you!
How is her eating/drinking?
Odd that she screamed when you bumped into her... :(

Could she have landed wrong on a jump from somewhere?
What happens if you brush by her again?
I'm wondering if she's hurt her hip or leg, and crawling into the box was too much work. (?)
Did she get in first, then get out?

Is there anything wrong with the bottoms of her paws? Any cuts?

Did she sneak away after doing it, or made like nothing was wrong?
She appears to be eating and drinking normally.

I though tit odd at the time as well, the forgot about it until you asked just now.

I just inspected her, and while she didn't appreciate it she didn't react to any touch. She also snuggled with me earlier this evening. I just gave her some food to see if she was willing to jump to it and she was more than happy to do so.

She... slunk away looking angry with me. But she didn't go far. I can't recall what happened after that.

She does have a sensitive toe from a few years ago. My roommate stepped on her with his steal toe boots on. But I'm positive I didn't step on her.

Eh, cats are weird :D

If she does it again, then there is something up.

Another thing I just thought of is that if my cat gets scared while pooping, he has a nasty habit of leaping out of the box and trailing the poop behind *blaugh*

I've also had the experience where he's had a poop stuck to his fur... most adorable when he climbed on my lap, LOL!

Hope she keeps pooping in the box... fingers crossed!:)

(ETA: my little guy is pretty cute 95% of the time... just seems like I'm always posting embarassing stories about him on here:p... poor fella!)
She has gotten poop stuck to her hair before, so I try to keep it trimmed, but I can smell it when it happens. It just seemed that she up and pooped!

A thought just occurred to me that maybe her anal sacs are clogged and they need to be emptied. Problem is she wont let me hold her long enough to empty them. Although the area looks pretty clean.

lol, she is generally a pretty sweet little girl to! But some days...
*sigh* just found poop smears all over my bathroom tiles.

My guess? She ate some of the rabbits hay (again) and when she tried to pass it, it got stuck and she had to get it out. Somehow, I didn't notice this when I got home.

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