I clean all the pets litter boxes daily, my apartment is to small to leave it any longer! I take out the garbage and the recycling regularly to.
Well.... come to think of it I was cooking dinner and I bumped into her. This happens all the time but she let out a yowl as if I had stepped on her and I told her to "pipe down, I barely touched you!"
I haven't noticed any improper peeing. though last week she did have a bit of diarrhea. I have the Cat Owners Home Veterinary Handbook, and I consulted that since I couldn't get her to a vet that day. I removed her food fro 24 hours and she didn't have any issues after that. I assumed she ate something funky - which she has done before.
As far as I know, no new scents. the landlord was in two days ago to fix my leaking sink.
No surgery.
She went a good 6 feet from the litter box.
I suppose its a standard sized litter box. It has a cover. ( I don't have a measuring tape other wise I would measure!)
I'll check that thread now! thank you!