Kit and Bonnie

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Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
, , Australia
It's my birthday. Not that that's significant,but it seemed like as good a day as any to start my bunny blog andproperly introduce myself and the lagomorphs.

My current enjoyment of rabbits is entirely attributible to this image right here:


This is Kit about two days after I rescued him from a horde of meatants. His mother had left him in their path and they were busy bitinghim behind his ears where he was soft and vulnerable. Poor little guywas trying to get away, but he was too young to get his legs workingproperly. I didn't mean to take him home with me, but he decided he wasgoing to cuddle up and go to sleep in my arms. What could I do?Certainly wasn't about to leave him to his fate with the ants.

I thought hares and rabbits were creatures of instinct and not muchelse. Kit showed me how wrong I was. The first few months with him werevery difficult and I found most of the information available aboutraising hares was false. I learnt to trust Kit and let him tell me whathe needed. I think that has been the key to the rewarding, astonishing,and sometimes frustrating relationship that we have developed betweenus.

Hares are supposed to be solitary creatures, but I don't think that isby choice. Kit has always seemed pleased to have company and reallyjust wants to be friends with everyone. This trait led me to gettinghim a rabbit friend.

The first attempt involved a baby female rex who beat him up andhijacked his cage. He was happy to move into my bed with me, but thisarrangement was not to my liking. :D I found the devil incarnate of arex a loving new home.

6 months later, I had the money to buy a new cage and tried again. Thelady who took my rex had large crossbreed kittens and I picked one outfor me and Kit. Her name was Kat. She was a bundle of mischief and Isuspect a ninja. She loved Kit and they flourished together.Tragically, Kat contracted myxomatosis despite being kept indoors whileI was overseas. In Australia, the government won't release the vaccineto rabbit owners because it is a live vaccine, so Kat had to be put tosleep. I'm thankful she was not yet very ill when she went. We stillmiss her.

Kit was pining with me overseas, Kat abruptly gone, and our otherfamily member, my dog Penny, confined to the backyard and family roomwith the other dogs. I organised another friend for him.

Enter Bonnie. We've had Bonnie with us for almost a year, now. Herprevious owner moved house and never came back for her and herboyfriend. Her boyfriend died and there she was, cramped, alone,somewhat neglected. We gave her a cage she could stand up in, a littertray, a plastic mug and all the paper she wants to shred and she's themost content bunny there ever was. She's very homey and doesn't feelinclined to leave her cage much. She loves to arrange her belongingsjust so and despises when I come and move things. She believes I haveno taste. I have become very fond of her scathing disapproval, disgust,revulsion, and impatience. I tell cat owners that cats have staff, butrabbits have slaves. If you want to be treated like dirt, I say, get arabbit. :biggrin:

Bonnie has come a long way in her time with me and Kit. She has gonefrom running from any attempt to touch her to presenting herself for abrush. I'm so proud of her. Here's a picture of her:


So that's our history. Here's a more recent picture of Kit just because I'm in love with him.

Okay, now for what we're up to at present.

On the weekend, we moved Kit and Bonnie to my boyfriend's house. I'mslowly moving in with him. The rabbits were at the top of the list ofthings to move here because they were lacking in space back at myparent's house where they've been staying for the past year. Kit needsthe physical and mental stimulation of life outside his cage. He getsstir-crazy if he doesn't get to come out for a day or two.

Kit is some kind of spooky mind-reader when it comes to me. I gave noindication whatsoever that the day of moving had arrived. I simplywalked past his cage on my way out to clean the car and suddenly he wasjumpy and nervy as hell, casting me his suspicious look that says "Iknow you're going to do something to me that I'm not going to like.".

I normally try not to handle Kit when I move him. He gets over theshock a lot quicker if he goes into his travel cage voluntarily. But Iwanted to cut his nails, so I had to catch him. My boyfriend wanted tohave a go at doing this, but that ended with a terrified Kit breaking anail in his attempts to get out of his cage. I pulled him out and sentmy mother in. She was much better and got a sheet over his head becausethat is seriously the only way to handle him safely. I did the nailcutting, which was nice and easy.

Bonnie didn't appreciate being moved against her will, but once the twokittens took an interest in the carry cage we moved her to, sheproceeded to look very smug.

The move went well right up until Kit escaped from his travel cage andwent tearing around my boyfriend's apartment. That was fine and it waskinda nice to see him enjoying himself with speed and agility, but herefused to go back to his cage. Hours later, we wanted to go shopping,so we ganged up on him and chased him back to the cage. Unfortunately,this took a long time in the heat and ended with my boyfriend slammingthe door on Kit and totally freaking him out. So now Kit has beenacting up when people go near his cage. It took me 90 minutes to gethim home the other day and he cut his head in his attempt to charge outthe door as I was closing it.

The moral of this story? Wild hares do not make good pets. :foreheadsmack:
What a gorgeous boy Kit is. :D We have wildhares living in my backyard, and I have sat and watched them in themornings and at night. I have always admired their agility and theirpersonalities, and I do not blame you for having one for a pet. Howdoes Kit get along with rabbits? I was wondering if hares and rabbitscan bond like rabbits and rabbits.

Oh wow, Kit is beautiful!:shock:

I totally agree with the bunnyslave thing. Mocha has it downpat. If she wasn't so territorial, she and Bonnie would getalong great!

I'm so sorry you lost your girl Kat. Myxi scares the poop outof me, and it's extremely rare here. I think there's apetition going around to get the myxi vaccine in Australia, have youseen it? I don't understand why pet rabbits can't bevaccinated. It won't affect the wild populations at all.
Wow what a story!!

I'm so sorry about Kat:(:rainbow:

Both Bonnie and Kit are adorable, I think hares look so cool!!
Those are two very cool bunnies. Justcurious, is it legal to have a wild hare as a pet there? Iknow it wouldn't be here, though lots of people do things like thatanyway.

And yes, I too am a bunny slave.
Kit is kinda weird in that he had an isolatedupbringing. I took him just about everywhere with me when he was stilldrinking milk and he got cuddled and nursed and babysat with all sortsof strangers. He travelled on the bus, in cars, in a bag on a bike, andtucked into my rain jacket. He apparently developed this idea somewherealong the way that every creature in the world will be nice to him ifhe gets up the courage to say hello. He's easily frightened, but at thesame time, he never expects anyone to actually hurt him. When the devilrex started beating him up, he hadn't a clue what to do about it. Heseemed bewildered that anyone would want to hurt him.

So, he gets on well with anyone that's nice to him. He is utterlyfascinated with cats, adores my dog, despite the fact that she snaps athim whenever he comes near her, and he got on well with Kat.Unfortunately, Bonnie likes to bite him, so he isn't so fond of her.But now that he's 2 years old and apparently considers himself a grownup all of a sudden, he's grown a backbone and will box her if she getshis back up. In fact, he boxes me when he doesn't like what I'm doing,too. He's not very demonstrative in his affection and it used tofrustrate me watching Kat trying to groom him and trying to get him togroom her and he didn't seem to get it. He'd back off and she'd get alldepressed. If I had my time again, I'd raise him with a rabbit ratherthan on his own. I suspect he's weird because he didn't get taught alot of things that his mother and siblings would have taught him. I'draise him to release him into the wild, too. I wish I'd realised thatwas going to be best for him. He's a bit beyond the wild, now.

It's possibly illegal to keep hares as pets, here. But as hares areferal animals, the law is shady. I think it's frowned upon, but notillegal per se. I know of another person with a pet hare and I've heardof plenty of others.

As heart-breaking as it was to lose Kat, and as horrible as myxo is todie from, I support the government for not making the vaccine availableto the public. I've seen rabbit-induced deserts, and Queensland isstill so traumatised by what feral rabbits did that it's illegal tokeep pet rabbits at all in that state. Myxo is a hideous disease, but Ilove my country and feral rabbits were killing it. I can't imagine whatit would be like without myxo keeping the population in check. As faras I can see, even if the chance is extremely slim that the livevaccince could get into the wild population and make them all immune tomyxo, if there's a chance at all it's not really worth taking it. Iknew my rabbit could get myxo and die when I got her and I got heranyway. It's a risk every rabbit owner in Australia has to weigh up forthemselves and act the way they see fit. There's a good reason why theAustralian government is so paranoid about rabbits and I can onlyrespect that, even if it's not right. If I couldn't handle thepossibility of my rabbit getting myxo, then I have no business keepinga rabbit.

I'm bloody glad hares are more or less immune to it, though. :tongu2:
Wow...what an amazing pair of lagomorphs you have! :D

I just love Kit's adorable face, and Bonnie's sweet self...what wonderful cuties!! :D


Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday! :D
