Kindling Countdown

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Well we have 5 does due, I'm very excited & hoping for some nice shw kits. Anyways here is what I'm waiting for too kindle!

Faith x Yukon = Bred August 1st Due September 1, 2009

Sophie x Yukon - Bred July 26th Due August 26, 2009

Cheerio x Cash = Bred August 6th Due September 6, 2009

Loretta Lynn x Fuzzy Mcgee = Bred August 6th Due September 5, 2009

Pincha x Friend's REW buck = Bred July28th Due August 29, 2009

That is everyone! I have lots of girlies due. I think they all took aswell! Well I hope so :p
I have a few dew next wednesday
Yoda x Mimi
Padamae x Danny (not sure if she has taken we will see)
Rosalind x Obi wan
I have to do matings next week but I am showing tomorrow so they will have to wait till afterwards!
You lucky folks. I can't breed till December....oh well. I know it will be worth it. I just have to wait for my girls to get a bit older.
I am not breeding lionheads anymore.

I am waiting for Animal Control to do their final inspection (been waiting all day) - so I'm keeping this short for now.
Well, I just had five new babies this morning...well, not me :p Let me rephrase, Cookie (a Holland whose first litter this is) surprised me by having five. I thought it was going to be a smaller litter. Yay Cookie!

I am expecting a litter of Hollands on the 29th of August, a litter of Lionheads on the 30th, and a litter of American Fuzzy Lops on the 30th as well.

I'm going to wait until September to breed more.

I presently have three litters in the nestbox (including Cookie's). I have a litter of sable point Lionheads and a litterof Hollands (one tort and two black)
I've got 7 dutch in the nest box(Born August 8th- all torts)
Poppy is due August 22nd to my blue mini rex buck Eddy.
Skye( Black Holland Lop) and Montana (Broken Sable point Holland Lop) will both be bred in late September early October.
I breed Blue and Black English Spots and Mini Rex, I also run a little shelter and just found out one of my does that got dropped off today is prego! but I think I already found a home for her that wants that babies too so.. no babies for me :[... :]
What breeds do you raise?
Aww, one of my friends is looking for an Angora, do you know any breeders in IN?
Nethies are so cute, so are hollands!

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