temp outdoorsolution : get one of thosekids swimming pools andhalf fill with play sand ,or equivalent , put u pa play pen and let thelittle boogers dig to theirhearts content , it mayrelieve someof t he diggingneed , I dont know about wintertheo unless you bring in asmall box of it and have a shop vac handy, what ever might work is agood idea.
I just had another thought as Iwas thinking its time for mySnakes bath , Howabout one o those large plastic storagetotes, whta I didwith the Boa was take off theplastic top and boughthardware cloth to put over thetop so buns and catsand kids would be safe w hileshe was bathing , just measurethe top of the bucket to 4inches on all sides hang over ,bend down and let them GOFOR IT!!! mess will staycontained in the tote and nomess on the floor.