Kicking litter out of litter box

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
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, , USA
Amber has been kicking all of her litter out ofher litter box. Her litterbox is a large washtub, and the litter ischanged every day. How can we prevent her from kicking it all out?
Try giving hersomething she like to play with ,it may distract her enough to leave thelitter alone.
The digging desire can be pretty strong for somebuns. I gave mine a basket full of old magazines andnewspaper and they have stopped digging in their litterboxes. It might be worth a try. You could just usea shallow box. Just make sure she doesn't eattoomuchof the paper.

If she continues, you may need to get one of those "covered" litterboxes to keep everything inside. Some folks use plastic gridson top of the litter as an option.


Homer is like that..I've tried giving himsomething else to dig in...and he has LOTS of toys...sadly none of thathas worked.....I need to rearrange the nic cage so I can get alitterbox with the guard around it....Good luck bunnydude...if you findan anwer, let me know!!!!
I have never been able to get Judy to stopdigging.She even tore up the plastic litter guard to get atthe stuff! I've even tried using different litters butnothing helps. So we just use a very tall sided storagebin. She can jump easily in and out but the high sides keepmost of what she is kicking up contained within the box.Things tend to get a little dusty since I use wood pellets as litterand they break up when moist and the sawdust can fly, but it's stillmuch better than it used to be.

Good luck!
I had this same problem with both Lenci andIszy. So I bought higher litterboxes and that seemed to solvethe problem.
As I write, Freckles is attempting to digthrough the floor of her new litterbox (almost 10 inches high) to getto China! She digs & digs...has toys galore...justloves to dig. I have gotten the high litter boxes, for cats,for all my diggers.
temp outdoorsolution : get one of thosekids swimming pools andhalf fill with play sand ,or equivalent , put u pa play pen and let thelittle boogers dig to theirhearts content , it mayrelieve someof t he diggingneed , I dont know about wintertheo unless you bring in asmall box of it and have a shop vac handy, what ever might work is agood idea.

I just had another thought as Iwas thinking its time for mySnakes bath , Howabout one o those large plastic storagetotes, whta I didwith the Boa was take off theplastic top and boughthardware cloth to put over thetop so buns and catsand kids would be safe w hileshe was bathing , just measurethe top of the bucket to 4inches on all sides hang over ,bend down and let them GOFOR IT!!! mess will staycontained in the tote and nomess on the floor.
Thanks everyone. I think we are going to buy alitter box with a grate over it so that she can't kick it out. But Ithink I will set up some digging boxes for both Devon and Amber(because, given the chance, they would both dig to China. AlthoughDevon just digs at the linoleum in the cage, which is better than inhis litter.)
