Kentucky bunnies!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Hi, I'm a bunny man from Louisville, Kentucky. My two guys are mini-rexes. They were two years old in April. I got them when they were around four months old, at the State Fair, in 2005. I knew basically nothing about rabbits until Peter and Bugs hopped into my life, but I've learned a lot with them, from reading books, chatting with a couple other internet groups, and just hanging out with them everyday. They are incredibly cool, and I can't imagine how I ever lived without them! They are my first real pets, too, as my parents were not into animals. Two turtles and three fish call my backyard home, and I have two baby box turtles who I'm raising inside on my kitchen counter in a special habitat I constructed.

But back to the bunnies! Here are two pictures of them, and I have a bunny blog set up for them, too, with pictures and videos at:



Oh my God-----Gimme Me!

I love Rexes!

Welcome to the forum! Sorry to want to bunnynap your buns at your first post, I just can't help it:shock:.

I so look forward to all kinds of pics of these guys! Again, welcome to the forum!

Oh, please start a blog for those beauties at your convenience, of course:D.
Thank you, yes, I think they're very special bunnies. I'm the old man who talks to his rabbits. They are really good listeners, and actually Peter gives some good advice.

Bugs' fur was always the coarser of the two, but he's starting to take on the velveteen sheen and feel of his brother.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Oh my God-----Gimme Me!

I love Rexes!

Welcome to the forum!  Sorry to want to bunnynap your buns at your first post, I just can't help it:shock:.

I so look forward to all kinds of pics of these guys!  Again, welcome to the forum!

Oh, please start a blog for those beauties at your convenience, of course:D.

I posted their blog address up above, but I think I saw a special section of this forum where blog links can be posted. I'll post it there, too. I really need to update their pages, actually.

You know, I walked around the multitudinous rabbits at the fair, and someway, somehow, these two just seemed like they were "the ones". My girlfriend at the time agreed, and said Peter talked to her.

Bugs is a snugglebunny, but Peter is a control freak, and also my bunny alarm clock, as he hops up on the bed almost the same time every morning. --Just long enough to touch his tail for a snooze, then he's back down on the floor, running his usual morning laps around the room.
Wow, they are adorable! I just love rex fur, its so soft like velvet.

They are just the cutest couple (or should I say pair, since theyre both boys ;)). I have a bonded pair of boys myself. Theres not too many of us with bonded boys. It can be very difficult to do!

Im off to check out your blog now. You'll have to start one in our Bunny Blog section as well.

The first month I had them was an experience, as they started fighting wickedly, like tasmanian devil bunnies, spinning around. Obviously, neuters were the best step to nip that in the bud, and they settled down and took over the house basically. They are completely free roam, but spend most of their day in the bedroom, where it's carpeted, and dark most of the time. --They love it under the bed's dust ruffle, and will nip my toes if I happen to get my smelly feet under there.
Welcome... er welcome back. It looks like you joined a while ago.

Your boys are quite handsome and they sound like quite the characters.
Welcome to the forum, nice to see another Kentucky bunny lover on here. Your guys look great, love their fur, is it as soft as it looks? We got our Buggz, from the State Fair in 06'. Thinkin about goin back this year.
Yourillusion wrote:
Welcome to the forum, nice to see another Kentucky bunny lover on here. Your guys look great, love their fur, is it as soft as it looks? We got our Buggz, from the State Fair in 06'. Thinkin about goin back this year.

I'd love to see a picture of your Buggz. I just started exploring the forum today, so I don't know exactly where to find things.

The Fair is fun. I have gone every year, as far back as I can remember, and have entered stuff in the culinary department the last couple of years(if you go to Peter and Bugs' blog, and scroll down to "Gordon's Home", you can look at the State Fair cake entry my girlfriend and I won second place for, in 2005.
Yourillusion wrote:
I have a flickr account with pics of all of our fur kids. We currently have 4 bunnies, Bugs started our bunny family, Bugs, is a  Flemish Giant, Bender unsure of breed, he was kind of a rescue, and Scotch and Beau are Mini lops.  Here is the link,

Beautiful pictures. Those put a smile on my face and are a good segue to go to bed. :)
Welcome to the forum! I love your two boys; they look so soft :D
Congrats on having bonded males, as well~
Start a blog for them~! :)
And if you have aaaaany questions about bunnies, this forum is one of the best places to ask! There's really a lot of knowledgeable people here
Welcome to the forum!!:)

I love your bunnies! Black mini-rexes are my favourite :biggrin2:

Have fun here,

~Michaela and the girls~