Keep my sister Christie in your prayers and thoughts

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Pittsburgh Pa, , USA
Let me give you a brief story on this.

When my sister was 18 yrs old she had hodgkins disease. She had chemo and radiation treatments to kill that disease. The radiation treatment damaged her lungs and filled it with scar tissues.

Just this April she had an open heart surgery done. They pulled her heart out, to replace her valves with mechanical valves. Ever since they did the op she has not been right. Her lungs kept filling up, collapsed lungs, and blood clot. In and out of the hospital all summer long.

She is now in ICU at UMPC Prespyterian Hospital in Pgh Pa. She is on a ventalator, breathing machine, feeding tubes and few other tubes in her. Her oxygen level is extreamly low and something else too. She has round of care with heart and lung specialist team who lives in the hospital. They have done a heart scan through her throat and waiting on some results on that, also they did another scan about an hour ago too.

The doctors told my Brother In Law that she could die today, tomorrow or within 6 months with the way things are going at the moment. They have her sedated right now due to the tubes in her, they do not want her awake as well and she is tied down cause she tried pulling the ventalator out.

My sister is only 36 years old, married for 14 years and have 2 children. Samantha who will be 13 in March and Justin who will be 10 in March. They have not really had a summer with my sister at all and they go back to school next tues.

Please pray for her that she will survive this whole ordeal. I have not seen her since last year May or spoken to her as well since then. Family issues and right now I am not up to posting that at the moment. But one step forward helped. I talked to my BIL last night and he was happy to hear from me. So hopefully things can change between my hubby and them.

Thank you

Oh, love to you and your family. This has got to be so rough for you. I would be so heartbroken if something like this was happening with one of my sisters.

I'll be praying for you guys...keep us updated, ok?

Know that you're not have your RO family thinking about you and your family...

:hug: :hearts :rose:
i will say a prayer for your sister, and also ask god to help you and your family through this time. my thoughts are with you.
Thank you guys. My mom sent me a text message that my sister is doing a bit better. That is a better news for me to hear before I head to work for 8 hrs. My hubby will call me at work if she turns for worst no matter what. Work is aware of this too.

Keep thos prayers coming, powerful prayers to God is what brings miracles.
I called and spoke with my dad.

It is good news.

They are going to try and remove the ventalator and breathing tubes in an hour or so, also wean her off the sedations as well too. Please pray that she can breath on her own as they remove this. Also they are going to take her out of Cardiac room and put her in the lung room so they can work on her lungs. Obviously her heart is ok, it is her lungs.

My dad will call DJ tonight to tell him how she went with the removal, or not. Then DJ will tell me tonight when I get off or when I call him on my lunch.

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